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diputs - racism, repeated and mass RDM, repeated fail rp, admittance to knowing and not caring


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Your In-Game (RP) name:  Liz Mum

Player's In-Game (RP) name: diputs

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104572264

Describe how the player broke the rules: Repeatedly partied with terrorists and others he could not party with, as well as owning a base and having more than 3 co-owners on it. Upon me telling him he could not, he essentially told me to fuck off and instead kept doing it.

In the first example, he didn't own the party but owned the base. I told the party leader and he kicked him. However in the second he owns both the party and the base and continues to do it anyways, well-aware that it is against the rules. I expect more from a donor who has a whole custom class.

EDIT: He is also defending terrorists that aren't even in his party (even though he CANNOT party with them in the first place), as well as also partying with citizens.

Oh and he mass RDM'd too. He claims its because people attacked him yet he started shooting right after he came out of spawn, and doublebarreled me in the back when I wasn't near anyone he was trying to kill, and hadn't fired a single shot or anything.

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:

Racism: https://i.imgur.com/K5cuRAp.png

In chronological order:







The rest of these are all together, in conjunction with this video. He is not even partied with a terrorist yet defends him.

I'm 80% sure that he RDM'd all the other cops trying to arrest the terrorist that wasn't in his party but I don't have exact proof, so don't get him for that as well. The votekick/vote demote I made on him was still valid for the other reasons.

The video has been untrimmed except the beginning to show where I pull up the party menu and check who he's partied with, proving he wasnt partied with the terrorist



And here's him just mass RDMing straight-out:







Edited by Setro
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