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VIP Gun Dealer/Balancing

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           Me and a couple of people have been thinking of a way of balancing the advantage in Custom Class weapons on the server. For quite a long time now there has been considerable conflict between how overpowered the weapons that CCs have are, but the issue being that CCs paid early for that advantage and balancing it would make their early payment feel like it had no worth. I feel that a VIP Gun Dealer would be a good way to balance out the playing field. This would allow donators to become this rank and sell higher damage and previously custom class guns to all people on the server, meaning it's a fair system, this is an idea that I did not come up with but I do agree with, just a little suggestion,


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If this class would ever be available I highly doubt they would sell double barrels. It would make all pvp just a race to right click the fastest. I could see them adding maybe some of the lower grade cc weapons like Remington pistol, Damascus, maybe the Scar? I like the idea I just don’t think the owners would do it 

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7 hours ago, earl sweatshirt's lips said:

If this class would ever be available I highly doubt they would sell double barrels. It would make all pvp just a race to right click the fastest. I could see them adding maybe some of the lower grade cc weapons like Remington pistol, Damascus, maybe the Scar? I like the idea I just don’t think the owners would do it 

Yeah, I agree on that one, lower class weapons would suit better, I find the DB quite glitchy. I think winning a DB from a PD raid could be an alright idea

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All of you defending the db is like saying you're ok with new people getting shit on because of a weapon they're 2 years too late to get. I love getting mugged by a cc with a db and having nothing I can do unless they miss somehow. Same with raiding their bases they have trigger windows and open it for .1 seconds for a 1 hit kill. So assuming you're saying you only want cc'd to have the db and all the other guns you're just saying its ok for everyone else but a select few to have actual good guns. This is why a vip gun dealer was requested was because having a select few with guns multiple times as powerful as anything a normal donator can get is unfair. So if you can't even donate for good guns then what.

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Just shoot better that's all i can say I can play on the server as a non cc and play just as good as I normally do an 94 and dragonauv makes it easier

Also I do use the double barrel but honestly we paid for it when we had the chance too sorry but your missed your chance, it would be unfair to the people who bought cc's to sell double barrels cause then everyone can just run around doing the same thing your complaining about also any gun can kill anyone if I'm able to kill someone with a ithica then I'm pretty sure I can kill anyone with a svd dragonauv or a an94


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So its ok to have cc's running around with double barrels from 2 years ago consistantly ruining the server for everyone else. Considering even as a donator you can't get any special guns how is that fair. Fake is though the only people trying to stop something such as a vip gun dealers are the cc's. Also when you say just shoot better its a little hard when you get mugged by someone with a db and the millisecond you move or pull a gun out you're dead because its a 1 hit.

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         My opinion on this situation is that the DB is a very overpowered weapon, a one shot on even a Juggernaut if you have a good shot. I think that the damage of the DB destroys RP for other players, seeing players running around as different media based characters with a weapon that literally cannot be beaten in a gunfight unless you're very good at gunfighting or they don't have a shot on you is pretty crazy. The purpose of the Juggernaut class is defeated as these megaweapons with a huge damage ratio can just destroy juggernauts with one shot, which is not realistic while the Spas 12 is a complete Peashooter on a Juggernaut, CCs are not accessible for anybody that didn't chip in early, you could say it's pay to win but it isn't because people can't even pay anymore. I think it's well deserved that the devoted people to the server get a reward but a DB or whatever overpowered CC weapons they use just prevent there from being a decent balance on the server across gunfights and give new players a complete disadvantage and a motivation not to play the server because they don't feel welcomed to succeed in gunfights. The gun that comes closest to the DB is the Dragunov and not even that matches in power.

Players should be given a chance to even out these odds at least, this could be by adding DBs or other CC weapons to the rewards given by PD raids or by adding a VIP gun dealer and I still stand by that point. It's an unfair right, it would add new weapon opportunities, old time players have sorta gotten used to the normal weapons so it would be good to add a new opportunity. I realise that it is hard to do this as CCs would be upset but I think it would genuinely benefit the server, give the CCs something else to treasure, but I feel that a cosmetic reward is much more fair, making things available to everyone is what I think should be a priority on Xeno. Even in these comments you can see that the community desires this change, focusing on the demands of the many is much better than just listening to the few, and I realise it is difficult, on Earl's point, even if it is clicking the fastest, at least it isn't confirming your death before the fight has even started because they can whip out their DBs and kill you instantly, what you are talking about Earl, is already an issue, I feel that lower CC weapons could be sold by the VIP dealer and DBs could be won via a PD raid.

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1 hour ago, euria said:

So its ok to have cc's running around with double barrels from 2 years ago consistantly ruining the server for everyone else. Considering even as a donator you can't get any special guns how is that fair. Fake is though the only people trying to stop something such as a vip gun dealers are the cc's. Also when you say just shoot better its a little hard when you get mugged by someone with a db and the millisecond you move or pull a gun out you're dead because its a 1 hit.

Read my response

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3 hours ago, euria said:

All of you defending the db is like saying you're ok with new people getting shit on because of a weapon they're 2 years too late to get. I love getting mugged by a cc with a db and having nothing I can do unless they miss somehow. Same with raiding their bases they have trigger windows and open it for .1 seconds for a 1 hit kill. So assuming you're saying you only want cc'd to have the db and all the other guns you're just saying its ok for everyone else but a select few to have actual good guns. This is why a vip gun dealer was requested was because having a select few with guns multiple times as powerful as anything a normal donator can get is unfair. So if you can't even donate for good guns then what.

I miss 50% of my DB shots. At the end of the day I don't think making a dealer that sells the DB is a good idea.

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Alright listen. There will never be a time were everyone agrees on this and that is because cc owners want there small bit of higher level than everyone else because they do have a cc and rightfully so. These people paid a lot of money to get there cc and the least they want is a semi powerful gun. Now, im not saying we are  a pay to win however they do deserve the guns for what they paid for. Now moving on to the logistics of this idea. First they would very expensive, mainly because everyone has around 4-5 million ez and others have like 10-20. having millions of dollars on xeno is nothing to hard to get, just a little bit of money grinding. So, like i said we would have to jack the prices through the roof for this to be a good idea. Next would be the practicality of it. Its not that practical. Right now there is a decent amount of people that have cc's already and that amount of people is slowly dropping. Why? well because as you said ccs are old and the players on them either no longer play or they have sold off there account to someone else. On that same note, it would truly ruin the rp experience by getting a group full of people into a party and adverting raid and destroying everyone inside. Does that happen now? Well yes but to a much minor extent. A small amount of the time is groups of ccs ganging up and killing people in raids, were as if we included DB to be bought it would basically be everyone using it causing raids to be very one sided and resulting in alot of players not wanting to play because they keep getting there entity's destroyed. It would be a true race to "who can click right click the fastest". So, my overall thoughts on this? No, there is no reason for this to be implemented and the main reason is because the players who have these weapons are dropping off slowly and will soon be little amounts of people having access to any form of a cc. Also just a side note, the DB is not even that good. Yes it can one shot, however the Browning auto 5 is a absolute unit, that and the PSG. So honestly, I dont think this is a good idea as of now.


Ways we can implement this?

To start with, big changes like what im about to say will more than likely NOT take place, because we risk loosing a good  chunk of the player base, however we could do something like this.

To start with we could lesson the power of some guns such as the db, Browning auto 5 (BA5) and the PSG, and when we lower the damage, it will could help us lower the prices of the guns to, making them more affordable however a little less effective. Balancing some of the Custom class guns (if we were to release them to he public) would be a good idea so its not just a big over powered gun raid were everyone just races to "right click" the fastest.

Now i do like the idea of raiding the PD and maybe getting a shipment of a cc gun, i do think we could try and give that ago (maybe)


One more option would just be to not sell the double, and keep its power but sell some other guns such as the BA5, PSG, remmington, SCAR, dragonauv SVG (or whatever its called. The suppressed dragon thingy). 

Conclusion - I potentially see a way to implement this however as it stands now, it would be completely impractical to implement this system into xeno.

Edited by GIBBY
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7 hours ago, GIBBY said:

Alright listen. There will never be a time were everyone agrees on this and that is because cc owners want there small bit of higher level than everyone else because they do have a cc and rightfully so. These people paid a lot of money to get there cc and the least they want is a semi powerful gun. Now, im not saying we are  a pay to win however they do deserve the guns for what they paid for. Now moving on to the logistics of this idea. First they would very expensive, mainly because everyone has around 4-5 million ez and others have like 10-20. having millions of dollars on xeno is nothing to hard to get, just a little bit of money grinding. So, like i said we would have to jack the prices through the roof for this to be a good idea. Next would be the practicality of it. Its not that practical. Right now there is a decent amount of people that have cc's already and that amount of people is slowly dropping. Why? well because as you said ccs are old and the players on them either no longer play or they have sold off there account to someone else. On that same note, it would truly ruin the rp experience by getting a group full of people into a party and adverting raid and destroying everyone inside. Does that happen now? Well yes but to a much minor extent. A small amount of the time is groups of ccs ganging up and killing people in raids, were as if we included DB to be bought it would basically be everyone using it causing raids to be very one sided and resulting in alot of players not wanting to play because they keep getting there entity's destroyed. It would be a true race to "who can click right click the fastest". So, my overall thoughts on this? No, there is no reason for this to be implemented and the main reason is because the players who have these weapons are dropping off slowly and will soon be little amounts of people having access to any form of a cc. Also just a side note, the DB is not even that good. Yes it can one shot, however the Browning auto 5 is a absolute unit, that and the PSG. So honestly, I dont think this is a good idea as of now.


Ways we can implement this?

To start with, big changes like what im about to say will more than likely NOT take place, because we risk loosing a good  chunk of the player base, however we could do something like this.

To start with we could lesson the power of some guns such as the db, Browning auto 5 (BA5) and the PSG, and when we lower the damage, it will could help us lower the prices of the guns to, making them more affordable however a little less effective. Balancing some of the Custom class guns (if we were to release them to he public) would be a good idea so its not just a big over powered gun raid were everyone just races to "right click" the fastest.

Now i do like the idea of raiding the PD and maybe getting a shipment of a cc gun, i do think we could try and give that ago (maybe)


One more option would just be to not sell the double, and keep its power but sell some other guns such as the BA5, PSG, remmington, SCAR, dragonauv SVG (or whatever its called. The suppressed dragon thingy). 

Conclusion - I potentially see a way to implement this however as it stands now, it would be completely impractical to implement this system into xeno.

Thanks for the very large and explaining response Gibby. I have had multiple experiences of at one time 15 people, mostly CCs raiding my base and absolutely destroying me and my party simply because they have a weapon that is yes, glitchy but also incredibly unbalanced compared to the rest of the server's armoury. So I do agree with you that these weapons should be balanced, but I find that there is still a very large amount of players with CCs who commonly bunch up together, a fight with a CC is a very unlikely one to win, I think with CCs, the point of whoever right clicks first is better than whoever is a CC is absolutely going to win that fight unless they get caught by surprise or just totally suck ass, which most CCs don't. The server's economy is very varied, some poor, some very rich but I just feel that giving players any opportunity to even the playing field would be quite fair. Maybe it could cause trouble with the economy but you see, guns like the Dragunov are very expensive to new players and lets be honest, forgetting CCs the Dragunov is going to destroy any other gun bar-none except the AN-94 burst. 

I don't think that CCs themselves are very practical to keep the server going, especially when you can't get them anymore. I see the point that if they were enabled everyone would have them and it would be an OP gun spamming mess but I just feel that things should be fair, which right now aren't very fair at all when it comes to CC weapons. Like I've just been kidnapped right now by a CC, who took me into the PD and broke the rules ladalada but as soon as I free myself, even though I have a gun it is instant death. The point of having huge parties and raiding, it happens all the time, it happens a lot, and largely with CCs. i think that the idea of balancing the DB is a good idea, making it even with the other guns and I still stand strongly with the PD Raid idea, lets be honest, people don't raid PD for the rewards, they suck, I think there should be a better reward for it, it would give a good incentive. Your improvements I agree with and should be integrated.

Thanks for the informative response and I hope some of my ideas are added into the server, I only want the best for Xeno, that's why I'm writing all of this,


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