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Minimum server time requirement for cops

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There should be a minimum playtime on the server to be a cop. There's too many trolls who connect and immediately become cop to get free guns, tasers, and be able to randomly arrest people.

Instituting a minimum required playtime would stop letting inexperienced users enforce laws and instead let those familiar with the server, its rules, and how the default laws/mayor's laws work.

Maybe being a donator can bypass this restrictment. It's not necessarily just showing that you're familiar with rules and laws, but it also shows that you're dedicated to the server and aren't just there to be a mingebag.

I've counted plenty of corrupt cops, more corrupt than good; please consider doing something about cops even if it's not this.

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Hi! Thank you for the suggestion! While I do agree there are many minges that become cops, there is no need to limit a job class for new people because of some bad apples. There is a voting system in place for jobs that have the ability to rule break easily. Simple solution is this: Don't vote for someone that you think is going to minge. Just because someone is inexperienced doesn't mean they have ill intent. If that person wrongly punishes you in RP just tell a mod so they can teach the new player. If you want to teach the new player that would be much appreciated.

Thank you, have a good day!

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