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Derpza Banned me w/o a sit


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: im cody

Which staff member are you reporting: Derpza

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Banning me for 3 days after I left the server to go to sleep.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: This is all the evidence i have. I dont really know why i was banned?


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Hey, I am the one who asked Derpza to ban you for Ltap because i am a t-mod and couldn't do so myself. I can say that i had a sit with the person you rdmed and i concluded in my investigation you not only went right outta spawn, after you died, but then proceeded to Revenge RDM and false advert crossfire. Then got off within that same minute. I'm sorry you don't think your ban was justified but from the evidence i got i concluded your ban. I also have video evidence of my investigation if that is necessary. Have a good day 🙂


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1 hour ago, Imacreeper007 said:

Hey, I am the one who asked Derpza to ban you for Ltap because i am a t-mod and couldn't do so myself. I can say that i had a sit with the person you rdmed and i concluded in my investigation you not only went right outta spawn, after you died, but then proceeded to Revenge RDM and false advert crossfire. Then got off within that same minute. I'm sorry you don't think your ban was justified but from the evidence i got i concluded your ban. I also have video evidence of my investigation if that is necessary. Have a good day 🙂


I was rping as batman, and there was someone behind the person i accidentally killed that was shooting at another player so I had shot at them and accidentally hit said player in the crossfire and accidentally killed him. I then adverted crossfire and walked a little bit passed pd and typed in ooc "gn guys" as in I was getting off the server for the night. I was never brought to a sit and didn't even know I had been banned til someone joined the discord and told me. Your ban was not justified.

1 hour ago, Derpza said:

Yea, I was just given an steam id to ban, so I did so. I was told that you ltap'd and rdm'd. So I deemed the ban to be ok, so I banned your ID because creeper could not.

So again you have taken action against me without knowing the full story and while I was not connected to the server. As a moderator you should have known a little bit of the details before just handing out a ban imo. I was never brought to a sit and Creeper never talked to me. How is that fair that I can't give my side of the story, but another player can say something to a mod and I get a 3d ban? I killed him by accident, but neither of you would know that bc you never once talked to me about it.

Idk if this report would fall on Derpza or Imacreeper007 at this point, but I feel both moderators made a mistake here and I was wrongfully punished.

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Based off the timeline provided by Zyngas, thank you by the way, I think it's clear that there was blatant revenge rdm. The timeline is all within a minute which is suspicious in itself, but there are to many coincidences. 1. based on the short time period from when he died and when he killed mmscott, he clearly had a intention of going back to where he had died. 2. He happened to accidentally kill the same person who had just killed him within 15 seconds. 3. And then decides to get off because of him being tired. I'm not denying that he may or may not have been tired, but i think he left because of him being satisfied of having revenge. This is my final statement as i see no further explanation on my have. Whoever takes this report i'm sure whatever you determine will be there right choice. Have a good day to all involved

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12 hours ago, im cody said:

So again you have taken action against me without knowing the full story and while I was not connected to the server. As a moderator you should have known a little bit of the details before just handing out a ban imo. I was never brought to a sit and Creeper never talked to me. How is that fair that I can't give my side of the story, but another player can say something to a mod and I get a 3d ban? I killed him by accident, but neither of you would know that bc you never once talked to me about it.


Cody, you are making it seem like I have a vendetta against you. When you were a moderator and a t-mod asked for you to ban an ID and gave valid reasons on the ban, what would you do?

I was only doing as any other moderator would do. I have no personal beef with you, and no hard feelings. We had a couple bad experiences, I am not petty enough to go out and ban you for two or three bad experiences. 

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3 hours ago, Imacreeper007 said:

Based off the timeline provided by Zyngas, thank you by the way, I think it's clear that there was blatant revenge rdm. The timeline is all within a minute which is suspicious in itself, but there are to many coincidences. 1. based on the short time period from when he died and when he killed mmscott, he clearly had a intention of going back to where he had died. 2. He happened to accidentally kill the same person who had just killed him within 15 seconds. 3. And then decides to get off because of him being tired. I'm not denying that he may or may not have been tired, but i think he left because of him being satisfied of having revenge. This is my final statement as i see no further explanation on my have. Whoever takes this report i'm sure whatever you determine will be there right choice. Have a good day to all involved

Like I said before, I was rping as batman and was shooting at someone breaking the rules. I was not by the spot I died. It was pure accident that Scott died. I even said sorry in voice chat bc it was not on purpose. The reason I got off is bc I had work to do and all of my friends were getting off. I was previously a mod and before that a senior mod. I would not go back to revenge rdm someone just for some satisfaction and then disconnect. 

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