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I've noticed a few times that people can rdm you and leave the game before you can write a ticket for accusation. At first glance this looks like an act of LTAP (Leaving To Avoid Punishment), where the user attempts to disconnect before a moderator gives them their punishment. But according to the servers rules, this is not considered LTAP because you can only warn a player for LTAP if they "leave while jailed, or in a sit". This makes a lot of these situations feel powerless in the eyes of the person who was killed, this and seeing that this is an absolute loophole for trollers. So I am here to propose either a rule edit to LTAP that will make it a valid warn against people who disconnect immediately after breaking a rule, or to make a new type of warn. This new type of warn would be called LTAS or "Leaving To Avoid Sit" and would only be used if a user disconnects after a rule break, before the victim could write a ticket before a sit. I imagine the punishment would be the same, or less; and would only be used if the proof shows that the accused was in fact breaking a rule. 


Edited by ScoobaJack
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9 minutes ago, RoyGeeBiv said:

I'm pretty sure it's to prevent people from having one sided sits. If you have proper evidences, you can make a player report on the forums and the player will be punished for breaking the rules. Otherwise, players could be reported and only have one side of the sit heard.

This single post shuts down your whole argument Scooba

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