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Rechanted Live

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  1. Before I begin with anything I would like to say that I don't dislike any admins or mods, if anything I think they are pretty decent, but I feel some need to improve on some aspects of having their role. But thank you for those who are doing their job when they can and making the server not an anarchy server. First off I think mods and admins should be a little easy on people. It is not laws like the real world, but a rule for a Garry's mod server. Say someone is minging or placing something on the streets, and you can tell they are new to Garry's mod DarkRP or Garry's mod as a whole, cut them some slack. Obviously I don't know if you do this in specific but still try to do that with newer people. With things like terror or adverting, try to tell them that terror is not aloud as fast as possible, so they don't kill anyone, or don't warn them if they RDM someone before someone / you said there is no terror or right after when not even you could read it that fast. And there are a good chunk of rules so people won't remember all of them at some times. Most people are either cringe kids, edgy teens, or man children so go verbal more instead of always a warn. Really besides that its not the big thing that made me want to make this What I feel like is the big thing is the off duty staff. I feel it is not bad to be off duty if you want to just play the server at some times, but try to be on duty more than off duty. Some mods I could think of that who did that is like B00mer where he was only on duty, and Kil, but he off the server more than other mods like Juarez, Creeper, and Ripple. (sorry if I missed anyone they were the people who came to mind). When you are off duty as a mod, you should still bring people who are mass rdming or vote kicking for no reason, not just sit there or bring people up that do the things to you. If people make sits about a big problem, put it into your own hands. Plus don't join the server then be AFK, its different if you're in a base grinding but just sitting there in spawn as a citizen takes away demoting people and makes people think you are actually doing something, when you are not. Another thing is to probably take away the "Don't demote because a mod is on" thing, and make it like vote kicking where it is a donator thing, or make it just a normal all users are able to demote. Other than that good job mods for doing your job, humans make mistakes, but try to get better at some of these things and don't listen to people doing /advert MODS SUCK 20 times because you warned them. TL;DR Don't be a super harsh mod its just a video game If you have the ability to step in, step in. Be on duty more than off duty Remember Garry's Mod players are cringe kids, edgy teens, and man children. Don't join the server then don't do anything like just sitting in spawn as a citizen for hours Take away the demote when admins are on Please tell me what you think, sorry if I came off as rude but those are some things I think all mods should think about while being on the server.
  2. Honestly I just want to play as a dog, and maybe it could have a special close range attack? Would be pretty cool and funny.
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