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Everything posted by Scrubudubdub

  1. i have a mic a1) in game rp name Scrubudubdub a2)the link to my steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ a3) my discord tag is Scrubudubdub#2843 a4) my time zone is EST a5) i have 2 warns but none of them are active and there from awhile ago a6) i have been banned twice but one ban was last year and he other is two years old ima good boy a7) I've said this many times in my mod apts but the only experience I've had is on a minecraft server but while my last one was pending before i got denied i got some experience watching other admins/mods do sits b1) i said this in my others too i wanna volunteer because im sick of people breaking the rules and making the server a toxic environment you should see the server at 3 am I was on once trying to vote kick but that didn't do anything what happened was 3 gun dealers prop blocked spawn like there were 20 by 30 block just spammed everywhere you couldn't move or do anything everyone was in a shooting frenzy there were a couple of us who tried to stop but that didn't help so I wanna become a mod so the server doesn't become a hell hole like it does sometimes b2) I feel that I would be a good moderator by bringing Peace and balance to the server c1) RDM or (Random Deathmatch) is when a player goes around shooting people for no reason say a guy just buys a gun from a dealer but really wants to shoot it so he goes out into the street and shoots 2 people it would be considered mass RDM if 3 or more people were shot without reason c2)NLR or (New life Rule) is when a player dies and goes back to where they died an example of this is say your base is getting raided and during that raid you are shot and killed if you were to come back and kill all the raiders that would be NLR how you should handle this is once you die don't return until the raid is over c3) metagame is when you assume someone's gonna do something based on their rp a prime example is say a hitman with a tag above them saying hit accepted and there following you and you shoot them because you assumed they had a hit on you that is metagaming how you should handle this is wait till they shoot at you so you could shoot back or warn them by doing /advert warn 1/2/3 get away from me three times and wait at least 10 seconds for them to comply and if they do not comply you can shoot them d1) if i see a higher up abusing their powers to the max i would contact another admin and if they don't do anything i would contact phantom or black Santa to help d2) if i see someone RDMing during a sit i would jail them to prevent any other RDM and warn them however if it was mass RDM I would ban them d3) I take in this scenario the two players are not hobos so first i would politely ask them to stop building in the streets and remove everything and if they did not listen i would warn them both
  2. He killed me randomly and I have racism pics on my discord Festive Scrub#2843 In game name carlton banks Steam I'd (STEAM_0:1:53115567)
  3. a1) my in game in rp name is Spoopy Scrub a2) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/home a3) my discord is spoopy scrub#2843 i am in the xeno guild a4) my time zone is Eastern Daylight time a5) i have no warns not a clean record but I haven't gotten. Warns for a long tim now about a month now a6) i have not because I been a good boy a7) i do have prior experience in a minecraft server thats about it but you know you cant get experience without getting accepted b1) i want to volenteer for XenoRP because im sick of assholes breaking rules such as rdm, nlr, and propminge and vote kicking doesnt solve anything i wanna be a staff member so i can stop that bullshit in its tracks b2) i feel i would be a great moderator making a balance in the server telling people from whats right and wrong and overall making the server a great place c1) rdm or (random death match) is when a player walks up to another opponent and kills the player with no motives or reason rda (random arrest) is when a cop go's around arresting people who are following the law and arent breaking any rules c2) NLR (new life rule) is when a player comes back and kils or just well comes back when they die it also states you have to forget what happened before they died an instance of this is when say you get raided and you die if you come back and kill the players who raided you and you kill them that is NLR c3) meta gaming is when someone assumes a player is going to commit harm to them just because of there rp an example of this occurrence is say your a hitman with a hit and a player is walking in front of you and happens to look at you and sees that you have a hit and just shoots you because you had a hit and he assumed that you had a hit on you thats metagaming d1) if i were to see a higher up abusing his powers to the max i would contact another higher up and if they did jack shit i would probable contact the top of the chain aka the owner d2) if i see someone rdming in the street while im in a sit with someone i would jail the rdmer to prevent further rdm warn him for rdm but if its mass I would handle for 5 days d3) if 2 players were on (assuming they arent hobos and if they are they shouldnt be building on the road) if they were building on the streets and they arent hobos i would first ask nicely then if they didnt do that i would warn them for failrp and if it was a hobo building on the road i would do the same
  4. I have his steam Id (STEAM_0:1:494869183) If u want to get further information like a pic of console commands I would show u but I'm on my phone and get get the pick of chat logs my discord is spoopy scrub#2843
  5. a1) my in game in rp name is scrubudubdub a2) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/home a3) my discord is doctor scrub#2843 i am in the xeno guild a4) my time zone is Eastern Daylight time a5) i have 7 but those were all a couple weeks to months ago and i looked and none of them are active a6) i have not been banned for like 4 months i have been a good boy a7) i do have prior experience in a minecraft server thats about it but you know you cant get experience without getting accepted b1) i want to volenteer for XenoRP because im sick of assholes breaking rules such as rdm, nlr, and propminge and vote kicking doesnt solve anything i wanna be a staff member so i can stop that bullshit in its tracks b2) i feel i would be a great moderator making a balance in the server telling people from whats right and wrong and overall making the server a great place c1) rdm or (random death match) is when a player walks up to another opponent and kills the player with no motives or reason rda (random arrest) is when a cop go's around arresting people who are following the law and arent breaking any rules c2) NLR (new life rule) is when a player comes back and kils or just well comes back when they die it also states you have to forget what happened before they died an instance of this is when say you get raided and you die if you come back and kill the players who raided you and you kill them that is NLR c3) meta gaming is when someone assumes a player is going to commit harm to them just because of there rp an example of this occurrence is say your a hitman with a hit and a player is walking in front of you and happens to look at you and sees that you have a hit and just shoots you because you had a hit and he assumed that you had a hit on you thats metagaming d1) if i were to see a higher up abusing his powers to the max i would contact another higher up and if they did jack shit i would probable contact the top of the chain aka the owner d2) if i see someone rdming in the street while im in a sit with someone i would jail the rdmer return to my sit finish said sit return to rdmer deal with him and continue on with my day d3) if 2 players were on (assuming they arent hobos and if they are they shouldnt be building on the road) if they were building on the streets and they arent hobos i would first ask nicely then if they didnt do that i would warn them for failrp and if it was a hobo building on the road i would do the same
  6. a1) rp name scrubudubdub a2) steam URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ a3) discord tag Outlaw scrub#2843 a4) timezone eastern daylight time (Pennsylvania time) a5) I have I think I have 8 or 9 but none of them are active a6) I have been banned before once for nitrp and not listening to staff I feel bad for the not listening to staff on my part i feel i acted poorly in that situation a7) I do have prior mod experience and ownership of a minecraft server a previous experience was a mod abusing his powers and un moding my staff I demoted him and banned him immediately b1) i want to volunteer so i can stop the madness that does go on when the mods get off i have witnessed it and it isnt pretty mass rdming everywhere prop block and minge fail rp nit rp everything and i would just hate the server go to shit and be unplayable with everyone ruining the dark rp exerience b2) i think i would make a great addition to the team knowing a lot about the rules myself i could stop most of the chaos that goes on through out the day c1) rdm (random deathmatch) is when a player walks up to another player and just kills them for no reason i would warn them if it was there first offense if its there 2nd or first offense i would ban them for 1 week if it was mass rdm killing 3 or more people I would ban for 2 weeks ive already read part of the handbook and know tmod can only ban up to a week unless told by a higher up and cant hold there own sits rda (random arrest) is when a cop goes around just arresting people who havent done anything against the law or rules like say a citizen is building the cop just walks up to them hand cuffs them and arrests them that is a perfect example of rda c2) NLR (new life rule) means when u die you can not return for 10 minutes to your death spot and you have to forget everything that happened an example of this is if you pd raid and kill a cop the cop cant make you wanted for murder that would be violating the forget everything part of it another extension of this is when the player is killed and comes back instantly to fight c3) metagaming is when u assume the player is gonna do harm to you or something just because of there occupation say a hitman has a hit and you just shoot him because you think he has a hit on you that is meta gaming d1) if i were to see a higher up abusing there powers to the max i would report it to the top of the chain like an admin or even the owner gg this game is to easy or phantom d2)if i was in a sit and i were to see someone rdming i would pause the sit jail the player rdming and return the sit finish the sit and then deal with the rdm situation d3) if i were to see 2 players building in the streets assuming they aren't hobos i would first ask them politely ask them to set this up in a base if they didn'tnt move it i would warn both the players for fail rp
  7. a1) rp name scrubudubdub Discord outlaw scrub#2843 a2) steam URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ a3) discord tag Outlaw scrub#2843 a4) timezone eastern daylight time (Pennsylvania time) a5) I have I think I have 8 or 9 but none of them are active a6) I have been banned before once for nitrp and not listening to staff I feel bad for the not listening to staff on my part i feel i acted poorly in that situation a7) I do have prior mod experience and ownership of a minecraft server a previous experience was a mod abusing his powers and un moding my staff I demoted him and banned him immediately b1) i want to volunteer so i can stop the madness that does go on when the mods get off i have witnessed it and it isnt pretty mass rdming everywhere prop block and minge fail rp nit rp everything and i would just hate the server go to shit and be unplayable with everyone ruining the dark rp exerience b2) i think i would make a great addition to the team knowing a lot about the rules myself i could stop most of the chaos that goes on through out the day c1) rdm (random deathmatch) is when a player walks up to another player and just kills them for no reason i would warn them if it was there first offense if its there 2nd or first offense i would ban them for 1 week if it was mass rdm killing 3 or more people I would ban for 2 weeks ive already read part of the handbook and know tmod can only ban up to a week unless told by a higher up and cant hold there own sits rda (random arrest) is when a cop goes around just arresting people who havent done anything against the law or rules like say a citizen is building the cop just walks up to them hand cuffs them and arrests them that is a perfect example of rda c2) NLR (new life rule) means when u die you can not return for 10 minutes to your death spot and you have to forget everything that happened an example of this is if you pd raid and kill a cop the cop cant make you wanted for murder that would be violating the forget everything part of it another extension of this is when the player is killed and comes back instantly to fight c3) metagaming is when u assume the player is gonna do harm to you or something just because of there occupation say a hitman has a hit and you just shoot him because you think he has a hit on you that is meta gaming d1) if i were to see a higher up abusing there powers to the max i would report it to the top of the chain like an admin or even the owner gg this game is to easy or phantom d2)if i was in a sit and i were to see someone rdming i would pause the sit jail the player rdming and return the sit finish the sit and then deal with the rdm situation d3) if i were to see 2 players building in the streets assuming they aren't hobos i would first ask them politely ask them to set this up in a base if they didn'tnt move it i would warn both the players for fail rp
  8. a1) rp name scrubudubdub a2) steam URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ a3) discord tag Outlaw scrub#2843 a4) timezone eastern daylight time (Pennsylvania time) a5) I have I think I have 8 or 9 but none of them are active a6) I have been banned before once for nitrp and not listening to staff I feel bad for the not listening to staff on my part i feel i acted poorly in that situation a7) I do have prior mod experience and ownership of a minecraft server a previous experience was a mod abusing his powers and un moding my staff I demoted him and banned him immediately b1) i want to volunteer so i can stop the madness that does go on when the mods get off i have witnessed it and it isnt pretty mass rdming everywhere prop block and minge fail rp nit rp everything and i would just hate the server go to shit and be unplayable with everyone ruining the dark rp exerience b2) i think i would make a great addition to the team knowing a lot about the rules myself i could stop most of the chaos that goes on through out the day c1) rdm (random deathmatch) is when a player walks up to another player and just kills them for no reason i would warn them if it was there first offense if its there 2nd or first offense i would ban them for 1 week if it was mass rdm killing 3 or more people I would ban for 2 weeks ive already read part of the handbook and know tmod can only ban up to a week unless told by a higher up and cant hold there own sits rda (random arrest) is when a cop goes around just arresting people who havent done anything against the law or rules like say a citizen is building the cop just walks up to them hand cuffs them and arrests them that is a perfect example of rda c2) NLR (new life rule) means when u die you can not return for 10 minutes to your death spot and you have to forget everything that happened an example of this is if you pd raid and kill a cop the cop cant make you wanted for murder that would be violating the forget everything part of it another extension of this is when the player is killed and comes back instantly to fight c3) metagaming is when u assume the player is gonna do harm to you or something just because of there occupation say a hitman has a hit and you just shoot him because you think he has a hit on you that is meta gaming d1) if i were to see a higher up abusing there powers to the max i would report it to the top of the chain like an admin or even the owner gg this game is to easy or phantom d2)if i was in a sit and i were to see someone rdming i would pause the sit jail the player rdming and return the sit finish the sit and then deal with the rdm situation d3) if i were to see 2 players building in the streets assuming they aren't hobos i would first ask them politely ask them to set this up in a base if they didn'tnt move it i would warn both the players for fail rp
  9. i am in the xeno discord guild i am VERY VERY active on xeno dark rp i have a working microphone rpname Scrubudubdub link to steam profile:https: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ discord tag scrubudubdub#2843 timezone: Eastern Daylight Time i have 10 in game warns but 0 active warns i got banned for nitrp and not listening to staff i have prior mod expieriance from moderating/owning a minecraft server b1)why do you want to volunteer for Xeno Darkrp response : so i can stop the chaos that occurs late at night like when i was on once i saw several accounts of mass rdm nitrp fail rp prop spam and prop block it was crazy b2) if you were accepted what do you think would make you a good moderator? response: i think that i would bring peace to the server and make it overall a good environment to be in for me and the players alike c1) define rdm and rda and describe how players who perform these actions should be punished response: rdm is random death match meaning that a player walks up to a player and just kills them for no intended purpose i would warn them for rdm but if they kill 3 or more people for no reason i would ban them for 2 weeks for mass rdm or if its still one but they kill the player again in the sit i would ban them for rdm in a sit for two week. rda is random arrest meaning a cop arrests a person for no reason just walks up to them cuffs them and arrests them and if it continues i would ban them for 3 days c2) explain nlr and provide examples of instances in which it is violated response: nlr meaning new life rule states that when a player dies they can not come back to the location they died for 10 minutes and they have to forget everything that happened that means if your a cop and you die during a pd raid you cant make the player who killed you during the raid wanted for murder that would break the forget everything aspect of nlr c3) define metagaming response: metagaming is when you kill someone or deny someone something for someone because of there rp an instance of this is when your a hitman and you have a hit but someone just kills u because they suspect that you have a hit on them when you dont have a gun out or anything d1) you see a higher up is abusing powers to the highest severity how do you react response: i would report them on the forums and either contact another admin or the owners themselves d2) During a sit you see someone mass rdming how do you handle the situation response: i jail the player and ban them for 2 weeks and resume the sit i am in d3) 2 other players are online and they are building in the streets what is your response response: if there hobos i would let them be but if there anyother lass exept that i would tp to them and explain y they need to get rid of it or move locations
  10. i am in the xeno discord guild i am VERY VERY active on xeno dark rp i have a working microphone rpname Scrubudubdub link to steam profile:https: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880665675/ discord tag scrubudubdub#2843 timezone: Eastern Daylight Time i have 10 in game warns but 0 active warns i got banned for nitrp and not listening to staff i have prior mod expieriance from moderating/owning a minecraft server b1)why do you want to volunteer for Xeno Darkrp response : so i can stop the chaos that occurs late at night like when i was on once i saw several accounts of mass rdm nitrp fail rp prop spam and prop block it was crazy b2) if you were accepted what do you think would make you a good moderator? response: i think that i would bring peace to the server and make it overall a good environment to be in for me and the players alike c1) define rdm and rda and describe how players who perform these actions should be punished response: rdm is random death match meaning that a player walks up to a player and just kills them for no intended purpose i would warn them for rdm but if they kill 3 or more people for no reason i would ban them for 2 weeks for mass rdm or if its still one but they kill the player again in the sit i would ban them for rdm in a sit for two week. rda is random arrest meaning a cop arrests a person for no reason just walks up to them cuffs them and arrests them and if it continues i would ban them for 3 days c2) explain nlr and provide examples of instances in which it is violated response: nlr meaning new life rule states that when a player dies they can not come back to the location they died for 10 minutes and they have to forget everything that happened that means if your a cop and you die during a pd raid you cant make the player who killed you during the raid wanted for murder that would break the forget everything aspect of nlr c3) define metagaming response: metagaming is when you kill someone or deny someone something for someone because of there rp an instance of this is when your a hitman and you have a hit but someone just kills u because they suspect that you have a hit on them when you dont have a gun out or anything d1) you see a higher up is abusing powers to the highest severity how do you react response: i would report them on the forums and either contact another admin or the owners themselves d2) During a sit you see someone mass rdming how do you handle the situation response: i jail the player and ban them for 2 weeks and resume the sit i am in d3) 2 other players are online and they are building in the streets what is your response response: if there hobos i would let them be but if there anyother lass exept that i would tp to them and explain y they need to get rid of it or move locations
  11. Scrubudubdub

    False ban

    The staff member PaNda falsely banned me for 3 days because I "" nitrp and not listening to staff one of these accounts was when I was a hit man in a party with a theif so I left the party as he told me to and then left the sit and and then he didn't warn double I link for rem because I was forced into his Lebanese through a kidnapping they had a kos sign for inside but link didn't kidnap me SOVIET RUSSIA DID AND SOVIET BOUND ME TO THE WALL SO I COULDN'T LEAVE SO HERE'S my point is I think panda falsely banned me "" nitrp I wasn't I just shot my gun to get there attention so they could maybe place a hit mine you not at them just at a wall but SOVIET came out kidnapped me mind you that link didn't assist and link just shot and killed me he's he had a KOS but I can't control being kidnapped and literally being tied to a wall I think that link and SOVIET should be banned and not me because they just kidnapped me just to kill me didn't ask for money or anything just kidnapped me tied me to a wall and then just killed me I and that panda loses his mod perms
  12. please make me moderator because me and rice cooker are friends and have discord
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