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Lowkey's Achievements

  1. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Lowkey a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/lowkeyyeah/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Lowkey#2966 a4) What timezone are you located in? Mountain Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? In game warn system shows I have 0 warnings a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? About 10-14 months ago I had a few bans (not sure exact amount) not sure the reasoning for each one but it was something like RDM, the major one was cheating and it was a perm that was later appealed. Haven't been banned or warned since. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Yes, quite a lot. I used to be a head admin on a discord server called Giveaway Central (which was renamed or deleted as of 2020) that had over 37k members. Multiple minecraft servers with player counts over 120. I was trial mod on icefuses darkrp server aswell as their military rp server. I was also a staff member/developer of a game by the name of "abs0rb.me" which is still a thing, I'm just not longer staff on there. There's more things I've been staff on, just not able to think of them right now as there is so many. But in general I'd say I have quite a decent amount of experience in staffing. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I started playing on here sometime in 2019 (my forum account was made February 4th 2019) and have loved playing on here ever since. Its a simple server which makes it perfect, and being staff on it would be amazing. The staff team is good but whenever they're sleeping or aren't available to be on the server, it gets pretty hectic sometimes and I want to be there to help out. There's so many times I will be on and no other staff will be, meaning everyone else thinks its time to just MassRDM, making people leave and also making the experience not enjoyable. Some more reasons I want to volunteer for XenoRP is that I want a better chance at directly talking to other players, for example a sit. I'm very active and can be dedicated to anything, like volunteering on here. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I've been playing GMOD for awhile now like atleast 3 years so I have a good understanding of how everything works, so I'll be able to help people with things other moderators might not know. I'm pretty chill and mature, sometimes I goof around a little bit (not in serious situations though). I'm very active and on at different times most moderators are, so times the rule breakers get on. I'm very familiar with this servers rules and how stuff is on here so I think I would be a good pick. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM short for Random Deathmatch, is when someone will kill a player for no valid reason or if they're mad over something that player did. An example of RDM is revenge RDM, where a player gets killed and wants revenge so goes back and kills the player that killed them. Another example is Mass RDM, where a player RDMs x3 or more people within a short time which is a major offence and will usually result in a 2 week ban. ARDM is also a thing and its short for Attempted RDM, its basically RDM but you fail at killing the person. RDA is the same but for arresting, so if you're a cop and you arrest someone for no valid reason or because you feel like it. Offences like the ones talked about above usually result in a warning the first time done, but when repeated or done in mass amounts, will result in worsened punishments. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR is the New Life Rule. An example of an NLR rule being broken is when you're killed during a raid or get killed for other reasons and you come back within the same area for 2 minutes. You are not allowed to do this and will usually result in a warn the first time done, continued to do will result in a worse punishment. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame is when you use knowledge that your person wouldn't remember or know in a realistic situation. An example would be your friends telling you what they can see if they died in a players base or telling you where someone is even if they're dead. Another example of this would be if you're kidnapped and tell your friends where you are even though you wouldn't be able to in that situation. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would get a recording of it and have it as evidence, then I would submit a staff report. If it is way out of hand and I don't have time to make a staff report I would dm a person even higher up then the person abusing. I would also some what try to get the person to stop so that players getting affected by it don't have a worse time or leave. If I feel like trying to stop the person would make it worse I wouldn't get involved. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I jail the person Mass RDMing and deal with the sit I'm currently in. Once I'm done my current sit I would go deal with the person MassRDMing. If the person who was MassRDMing needs to be dealt with at that exact time I would try to get a staff to do it if I can't. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. The rules are the rules, doesn't matter however many people are on. I would go up to them and ask them to stop building in the street and to switch to hobo if they want to build on sidewalks, if they don't listen I would warn them and delete the props. If it isn't disturbing anyone and it isn't anything bad I wouldn't be as strict.
  2. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Lowkey a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/lowkeyyeah/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Lowkey#2966 a4) What timezone are you located in? Mountain Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? When I check the ingame !warn system it says 0. a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Yes 9 months ago for esping, stopped cheating then and there a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Used to be a Head admin in a discord server calling Giveaway Central with over 40k members, multiple high pop minecraft servers. Used to be trial mod on icefuse mililtary rp and darkrp. Also used to be Staff on a game called abs0rb.me for 6 months. I have quite a decent amount of experience in staffing. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I used to play all the time, got banned and appealed. I think its a very good server to be on, good staff team, I just feel like there should be a little more staff as sometimes I see theres time where there is no staff on at all and people just like to mass RDM. I want to be the one that can be there to fix that. I also want to get a better chance at helping players directly by for example being in a sit with them if they need something. I want to be a friendly chill staff that can help people who have questions and at the same time get rid of those pesky mass rdmers. I've read all the rules fully over again like 20 times this past week so I have a good understanding of the rules and how to deal with things. I bought Freeman rank yesterday to help show my appreciation towards XenoRP and play on here all the time and can be very active. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? Being active on XenoRP as much as I can and try to make others have a good time on the server, I'm also very friendly when it comes to helping people and making them welcome. I also wont abuse my power and make the player base hate me and not want to play, making a bad look on Xeno. I have a decent amount of staff experience in general from other things so I feel like Trial-Mod role will suit me well. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is where someone will kill a player for no reason or if they are mad over something a player did, example revenge RDM. RDA is basically the same but for arresting, if you're a cop and you randomly arrest someone or arrest them because you get upset. They should be punished with a warning at first and if continued will turn into a ban. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR means new life rule. An example of this rule being broken is if you're killed while raiding or get killed for other reasons and you come back in the same area. Getting killed while being raided and coming back, etc. You can not do this and if continued to do it may result in a punishment later on. You must also wait atleast 2 minutes to come back. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagaming is when you use knowledge that your character wouldnt know in a realistic situation. For example communicating through Discord, Teamspeak, Party chat, etc. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would try to get a recording of it (im recording 24/7 anyways) so I can have it for proof during or after time it takes place. I would also try somewhat to get the higher up to stop so the players getting harmed by it dont leave and enjoy their experience. I would also try to contact a person higher up then them, If nobody is on that is higher than them then I would try not to get involved because its possible I could get in an argument and get in trouble so I'd rather them get in trouble then both of us. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail them so they would stop and deal with it first as its more important. Even though I'm already in a situation I would still deal with the Mass RDMing as its more important. If I'm absolutely unable to do it then I would try to get another staff to. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I would warn them it goes against server rules. If they're friends and are both fine with it I'd say I'd allow it, but once a few more people get on or people start to complain I'd contact them. If they're completely blocking almost everything and all the streets I wouldn't allow it also. If it comes to the point where they wont stop complaining about it and want to build in the street/sidewalk I will tell them to switch to a class like Hobo that is allowed to build in the sidewalk.
  3. Your In-Game (RP) name: Lowkey Player's In-Game (RP) name: yanpez Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) STEAM_0:0:143949279 Describe how the player broke the rules: RDM Evidence of the player breaking the rules: Garry's Mod 2020-02-08 02-02-21.mp4
  4. Your In-Game (RP) name: Lowkey Player's In-Game (RP) name: Destroyer Jr Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) "Hi I'm Kevin" STEAM_0:0:141208292 Describe how the player broke the rules: rdmed me about 9 times, I have recording of 5 of them. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://streamable.com/h537o https://streamable.com/4gbin https://streamable.com/0dwzs https://streamable.com/xmpbm Garry's Mod 2020-02-08 01-33-58.mp4
  5. Your In-Game (RP) Name: Lowkey Which staff member are you reporting: Greg The DarpRP Lawyer Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Someone instigated a fight and I said lets go fight me (as he punched me) so I pulled out a gun and killed him. He then got out of spawn and tried to snipe me, missed his first shot and I said what are you doing and he killed me (2 broken rules on his part). I reported him and greg gave both me and him a warning. My warning was (aRDM) and also in the sit he said I'm being warned for being an asshole. Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: (VIDEO ATTACHED IS PROOF I NEVER ATTEMPTED RDM AND I WASNT IN THE WRONG AT ALL) Garry's Mod 2020-02-05 17-30-25.mp4
  6. Derpza paid me the 10 mil and yes, he was drunk but he wasn't doing tickets or being Staff On Duty. ROY you just love to report mods dont you..
  7. I also love how you are trying to play the victim card. And be all innocent. I was trying to role play and play properly until you guys decided to do what you did.
  8. I was not massrdming. I killed someone twice because they were kidnapping a cop and tried to kill me after I killed them. I also killed Mike twice because I warned him to back the fuck up 3 times each time and he wouldnt get out of my face. I was harassed and basically bullied by Undertaker and Sloth for something that wasnt against the rules.
  9. Your In-Game (RP) name: Lowkey Player's In-Game (RP) name: SlickSloth And RoyGeeBiv Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:201082282 (SlickSloth) STEAM_0:0:191027019(RoyGeeBiv) Describe how the player broke the rules: Multiple Prob blocking, arresting me (Im a cop and they are too), fail rp, and lots more. Roy and Slick were arresting multiple people aswell for no reason. And a player told me that someone accused me of "aim hacking" and so they went on and decided to spam "lowkey why are you hacking?" and other messages like that in chat. Roy becoming mayor and demoting me for no reason. https://prnt.sc/qx93bn Evidence of the player breaking the rules: Screenshots of console of all the props and handcuffing and spam: https://prnt.sc/qx91i1 https://prnt.sc/qx91q9 https://prnt.sc/qx91vz https://prnt.sc/qx923s Garry's Mod 2020-02-04 01-04-56.mp4
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