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  1. Quint

    Mass Report

    Your In-Game (RP) name: Gabe Newell (Or Gabe Newell on Patrol) (Or Gabe Newell At Your Service) Player's In-Game (RP) name: planetaryian (Pretty sure this is just Rodriguez before name change) , Scribbles the Scrabbles Scraught , Randy Dandy, Bahamazaki, Rodriguez Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) Rodriguez (SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:20089529') Bahamakazi (SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:33885368) Scribbles (SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:26963596') Randy Dandy (SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:32594019') Jimmy Johns Delivery Guy (SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:76413507) Describe how the player broke the rules: Please just look at the footage, theres plenty of it, im seriously begging you to not make me type this all out. To cut it short, MASS minge, RDM, MASS Nlr Break, Building inside base multiple times, false warrants (in footage), repeated harassment on one specific player (Me) and Building into Non-RP areas repeatedly. Not to mention major propblock at spawn. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://youtu.be/S20un__2jgg Please forgive for the shitty cuts, this is just a collection of everything from tonight. Seemed like all these guys were on the server minging together. This had all started with a sit involving planetaryian, myself, and Spyte. Also, after speaking with Kil, I'm now aware that I shouldn't have included the alleyway in my base. I apologize, but I hope that doesn't blur the obvious disregard for the rules here. Atleast 2 People have been banned since writing this simply because Kil hopped on.
  2. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Gabe Newell, or Gabe Newell on Patrol a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/BigOlTiddyLips/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Slim Tim#0010 a4) What timezone are you located in? Eastern a5) How many in-game warns do you have? Zero a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Yes, actually. One time I was in a sit with Boberto helping him take care of a 3 man mass RDM group at spawn, and while we were in the sit, i got banned by accident. I proceeded to get roasted by all of my discord pals until the situation got set straight, All in all it was pretty funny and I just kept playing like usual a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Yes, actually. I currently moderate a server on discord of about 30-40 people. I've also previously moderated on Lightshot, I'm pretty familiar with the usual mod menus and GMOD commands. I was also a trial moderator on Gmod Tower when it was still going. Most recently i've moderated a personal friends small (and as of yesterday dead) Garrys mod server. (Scarecrow's DARK RP - FAST DL - M9k - -=100k Start=-) Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I can see the mod team struggling to play the game without having to deal with a sit every 5 minutes. I enjoy playing the game and i like helping a server stay clean, and now that Scarecrow's RP server is gone, I've got a bunch of time playing Gmod and I'd rather spend it helping something grow rather than spending an hour waiting to respawn in TTT. It's a newer server from what i can tell, and I love playing with the community building a huge police force and having fun battling the gangs that pop up since about 45~ people are on at any given time. I love it so far and I'd love to be apart of a team that (from the sit's ive been in and assisted in solving myself) is actually really cool rather than the cookie cutter rules lawyering mods. I dig the relaxed environment and think it would be alot of fun now that this is my new main server b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? My knowledge with GMOD commands and Mod suites in RP servers means i don't need much training, and i've already read the motd a few times (when i joined and for clarification when playing certain jobs, like terrorist and Mayor) so I feel like learning the atmosphere of the server is the most that I'd really need to understand. Among the finer points of server rules, I feel as if I could play the game and deal with problems as they arise, I'm very good with handling tickets, from what I've heard. I haven't had the time to moderate for awhile, but with quarantine being a thing, I've loved being apart of servers again lately, and I would appreciate the chance to help keep this one clean. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. Random Death Matching and Random Arresting are occurences where players fail to follow the Roleplay aspect of DarkRP and use weapons or tools (i.e. Spawn Pistols and Arrest sticks) to enforce their will on other players unprovoked in the form of killing or arresting other players with seemingly no reason or motive other than the action itself. In my experience, as long as the RDM was a one-time case that could be conditioned to end (example, a younger player being angry at a raid, breaking nlr and murdering raiders after the initial raid is over) Than a jail and a warn is most appropriate (120 - 360 seconds) just to give them time to calm down and learn a lesson. If there is mass RDM or Mass RDA (Fail RP pol.ice force, Terrorists/gun dealers spawning guns and murdering entire swaths of players over and over) Then we are getting closer to ban and kick territory, with a more than implied warn if it doesnt stop. This is of course, after an initial sit where the RDM is first addressed when it begins. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. New Life Rule is a very clear rule on most RP servers that states a player cannot go back to a point of death (Specifically in the Xeno RP motd it states "Atleast 120 seconds") And after dying, have no previous record of their past life. This is to preserve Roleplay and prevent minging and server chaos. This is violated when someone becomes angry during a raid and goes back to defend, or a PD raid happens and cops run back over and over to eventually kill or arrest the gangsters robbing the armory. NLR is very clearly defined and violations are very easy to spot. During sits, players will often become frustrated during NLR conversations, so keeping cool is the best bet to circumvent harsh feelings towards the mod team, I'm used to this one. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. "Metagaming" Is when one transfers RP data to Non Role-play data, usually via "OOC" It is usually against server rules and is a bannable offence. Example:You're a swat, and player 1 was killed by player 2 cause player 2 mugged him. so you watch the kill chat and make player 2 wanted and arrest him.AS you see you must see the murder/mugging then you have the rights to make player 2 wanted and arrest them. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react As stated in an automated message on the server, going to the forums with a report and presumably proof is the best way to handle the situation. Not hopping into the guild discord and complaining about it d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? Bring them to me and jail them while i finish the sit I'm in. I already have an issue that i'm dealing with and removing the RDM'er from the streets is the best way to stop the madness and complete my already-happening sit before talking with the RDMer about the incident. Depending on how that conversation goes, there is a very implicit 1 to two week ban possibility. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. Assuming they're hobo's, and none of their structures are blocking entire roads and preventing other potential joining players from Roleplaying properly, then I would just keep a close eye on them to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. If their jobs do not allow public building, than the reasonable answer would be to bring them into a sit and ask them to remove the props, as their jobs do not support that sort of freedom in it's description. I do express empathy when the servers start dying down, but other players will join eventually and the peace has to be kept for any more potential players planning on hopping on. Thanks for taking the time to read and I appreciate the opportunity to help out! Should I not get picked, I will still be active on the server, and help the mods out where I can. (for the newer mods) Dont be afraid to ask if you need help with a command while I'm online! Also, there wasn't an age question, but there was a requirement. I just wanted to say that I am 20 years old, just so ya know.
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