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My Formal Introduction

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Greetings to all!  My name it Tim, AKA Psychedelic.  I am a 24 year old male exotic animal tamer/Recovery Agent living in New York State.  I have over 21k hours on Garry's Mod as I've been playing since 2009.  I am a HIGHLY experienced coder, mapper, and modeler for Garry's Mod.  In my years as a developer, I have had the great opportunity to work with community's such as  Monolith, Santos RP, SATPG and Echo Role-play.  I am looking for a small project to toy with while getting back into Garry's Mod.  I do soon hope to partner with the Xeno Community to further their community, while taking up some of my time.  Thank you all, I hope to see you around soon!

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