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Heya Voided here.

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Heyo everyone, im Voided a newer player to the server. Been awhile sense i played DarkRP but i enjoy the chill mood and i know its a good place. Im (outside of gmod) friend of Sevs, and Dergy. Which is how i found the server, playing with them, im a pretty chill dude when it comes down to most things, i can get heated, but really only in repeated minge and rdm scenarios, whereas i am the victim to the minges and rdmers. I hope to get to know a lot of the people in the community to make playing more enjoyable. With how Sevs is a mod now, and Dergy used to be a high ranking mod. i feel it only fits that i eventually persue becoming a mod after awhile. so expect to me to already be avoiding breaking any rules already.

Now sense this is a introduction i guess i can go a bit more in depth with myself. currently i age at 15, and dont really play Gmod alot, i mainly play rogue-likes or ProjectMoon games, or specific VN series, like Danganronpa.. Though my main focus currently comes with my persuit into music production! i got a little youtube channel where i upload stuff, with a mascot and everything.
Im pretty proud of how far i got currently and i hope to persue it further down to possibly being my main thing i do, with a bit of luck. 
If you want an example of my work this is one of my Remixes

*im probably gonna regret choosing that specific remix to showcase, but eh, i have enough hope that mutual respect holds true here*

But yea thats all about me! i hope that my presence in this community is a good and long one.

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