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herni and smol rdm footage also conduit called me a f-slur

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Your In-Game (RP) name: Itachi The terrorist (at the time of the events)

Player's In-Game (RP) name: smol henri

Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) smol(STEAM_0:0:175347496) henri(STEAM_0:1:88386495)

Describe how the player broke the rules:they rdmed AND HENRI had a gun as hobo

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:https://streamable.com/sz131g

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Thank you for the report! Henri will be warned for FailRP, for having guns and a car as a hobo, and RDM. I do not see Smol killing in the footage at all, so I cannot do anything on that part. In the future, know that hiding inside the car while lockpicking is FailRP, so please do not do that.

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