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Report of a weird situation.


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Alright, I'm making this post, because we we're both in the wrong I think, and I'm the only one who got warned.

Warned by: Juarez

Player involved: Me and Jeck.

So I was minding my own business in front of spawn at my casino (As a hobo). So then. Jeck comes up and just puts random tip jar of his own in front of mine. I, first of all, ask him to stop. I ask a player to shoot his tip jar and don't think much of it. He then continues putting his jar. I get a bit frustrated, wich is where that i'm in the wrong, and start shooting at his tip jar. He then tries to kill me, and he does so. Moments later, I come back my stand, and he is still there putting tip jars in front. I ask him to stop, once again, but he pursues with his tip jars, so this is where I shot the tip jars and I kill him. This is 2 things,  I reckon, are not the best thing I should've done, but it's just frustrating. Jeck calls an admin knowing exactly that I was going to  do that, and this is where I inform the situation to Juarez. I tell him that we both did actions that we are not supposed to do. Juarez says that I am in the wrong, and warns me for RDM, wich isn't the case, because he was disturbing my stand, and for Having a gun as hobo, wich I understand. Jeck gets out of the situation without any warns or the aadmin telling him to stop. 

I think the warn is justified, but I shouldn't be the only one that's warned, or just to verbally tell both of us, since we we're both in the wrong.



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Hello Parad0x,

I warned you for RDM because you killed Jeck for placing tip jars near your casino and that's not a reason for you to kill him. You also killed him as a hobo with a gun so I warned you for FailRP as well. After I returned you, I told Jeck to stop placing tip jars near your casino. I think both warns are justified.

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