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Shops should have different basing rules

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Shops should have different basing rules. As of right now, shops in the MOTD have the same ruleset as private bases, while they are specified to be different. Under Merchant rules, rule 2 states: 


2: Merchants may only build shops, not private bases.

While this seems fine on paper, this kinda sucks. Shops have the same rules as private bases, so a gun dealer can just gun you down for entering their shop. Unless you specifically say you want to do business, they have full RP reason to kill.

On top of that, they are not allowed to make specific reasons to kill. This leads to mods making "Kos Inside - you may be killed for _____" to loophole the rules. Even though the MOTD states that you can't be KOS'd for specific things, they make it so that they kinda can. However, this still lets them gun you down for trying to rp. This just ruins RP. 

Give shops a specific ruleset. It would help out RP a ton, and would stop all the dumb kids making killboxes pretending to be a shop.


Shoutout to the mods making legal killboxes!

Edited by ripple
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