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idk why no one's responding so I guess I'll report them here


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Your In-Game (RP) name: TinyGiraffes

Player's In-Game (RP) name: stanky

Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) idk it's been 10min and no one has responded to any @'s the guy's not on. The video is to low quality for me to get his steam id.

Describe how the player broke the rules: The dude called a police raid on me which a ton of cops decided to participate in including That's Odd. I mention him specifically because he had to know there was no reasoning, I mean looking at my base location there is a 0% chance they spotted my printers. Anyone who's played this server as long as either of us would blatantly know that and therefore he knowingly failrp raided me. Juarez may have also been there as he was a cop at the time so you can see how it pisses me off that with 3 mods on duty repeatedly ignoring my tickets it makes it look sus .

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: Video

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I want to clarify, I don't mean like Juarez found some user to put put in a false warrant on my base like "Lets go fuck over that small giraffe he's try to over take me on the leader board" I more mean in the heat of the moment it looks sus that the first time no admin comes to 4 fail raid tickets over 15min w/ 3 m on du and that really pissed me off which is why I took the time to use photo's video editor.

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