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We need an unnerfed shotgun

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Right now balance between CCs and everyone else is a bit messed up. The Dragunov is the balance between regular donor snipers; its fast fire rate combined with lethality make it the counter to weapons like the M82 and SVU.

The same cannot be said for shotguns. The double barrel is infamous for how much better it is then the base shotguns. For some reason; the Ithaca and SPAS-12 are nerfed to the point where they can't compete with the unnerfed M9K shotguns, unlike their unnerfed counterparts.

Either another shotgun should be added with its base M9K stats, or the Ithaca should be brought to its original strength with a higher price tag. I don't agree with upgrading the SPAS as it is potentially the most powerful weapon in M9K unnerfed, other than the damn Davy Crockett.

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