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Everything posted by lance

  1. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: Commissioner Gordon, magic, The Gaming Goat Player's Steam ID: Commissioner Gordon: STEAM_0:1:59535505 magic STEAM_0:1:181609477 The Gaming Goat STEAM_0:0:183269254 IED STEAM_0:1:507057612 Freezie STEAM_0:0:61776657 Describe how the player broke the rules: Commissioner Gordon keeps votekicking me for "false votekick" when I make a valid votekick. For instance a cop was shooting me for no reason right after I joined, so I votekicked him. magic votekicked me for "being poopy" The Gaming Goat votekicked me for "mass RDA" because he was pissed that I votekicked a terrorist (after he silent raided, again, after being warned by a mod about 30 minutes earlier (no mods were on when i votekicked)) and used remover tool on his stuff even though I never RDA'd anyone. IED was just randomly shooting me for no reason, also pretty certain he placed hits on Freezie but whatever Evidence of the player breaking the rules: 1. gordon 1 and IED ARDM'ing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1FDrO0fy30 2. gordon 2, also Freezie killing me and not adverting hits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y16etFK0Kzw 3. gordon 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df7wA4IzRk0 4. gaming goat (shadowplay saved this right after i votekicked the terrorist due to its 5 min limit. i agree i was an asshole and maybe shouldnt have used the remover tool, but i didnt break any rules or do anything to make a false votekick ok): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T4uMPfMY5Q 5. magic (pic should speak for itself, not a valid reason) thank you for reading all this, im so sorry you needed to
  2. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: beijing Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:52299448 Describe how the player broke the rules: Destroyed bitminers as cop Evidence of the player breaking the rules: you cant see names but the process of elimination shows that it is beijing as the other police officers are not present he also has a plethora of other warns and keeps getting votekicked for fail rp every so often. he needs a ban for nitrp
  3. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: M35 Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185151514 Describe how the player broke the rules: Based as a Juggernaut Told him twice he couldn't for him to give me an ignorant response and refuse to do anything Votekicked him for it, votekick succeeded. Mugged me and killed me before the 10 seconds were up even though I didn't move or pull out a gun (video proof below) Falsely votekicked me for 'abuse of votekick system' and 'not understanding rules' Evidence of the player breaking the rules: His base as juggernaut (showing that he has props on sidewalk and outside of his base as well): His ignorant reply to my warnings, also proving he is juggernaut: More proof he was jugg: la votekick la votekick success His mug. He did not wait 10 seconds and I didn't pull a gun, talk, or move (on my own, at least). I slowed this down and watched frame-by-frame; you can tell that my movement was caused by the gun's stopping power. I only started moving after he started shooting. You can also tell by how the screen starts warping with the shake effect as well; normal movement does not produce effects like that. Also I'm pretty sure you can't kill even if I did move a centimeter unless I was running away (as the MOTD states?)
  4. lance

    Nightfall MRDM

    beat me to it. i got video proof too
  5. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: Sakupen Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:439881825(Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) Describe how the player broke the rules: frickin mass rdm Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
  6. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: XDCeltic Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:521241703 Describe how the player broke the rules: Mass RDM, even admits to it in the clip I will be posting ("RDM war!!!!"). You may ask why I am singling him out of everyone else who was RDM'ing, this is because he seemed to be doing it the most to the non-participants of the "war", whereas most of the RDM'ers were only RDM'ing other people who were RDM'ing. Still mass RDM regardless. Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
  7. EDIT: situation has been handled by a mod Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Player's In-Game (RP) name: XDCeltic Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:521241703 Describe how the player broke the rules: Attempted to votekick me twice, 1 succeeded, for no reason. Simply because he didn't like my laws. Did not even attempt to demote./ Evidence of the player breaking the rules: These are not the same events: check the timestamp Votekick going through:
  8. fair point, but with the DB you can one-shot regardless of where you hit, and the spread is insane, as to where you need to get headshots with the dragunov to actually one-tap
  9. ok. so you're agreeing it's pay to win then. we're on the same page. but you're wrong where you say it is a 'limited edition item'. nobody could anticipate that they would stop selling CC's and there was no guarantee that the weapons would always be exclusive to only CC's. frankly CC's should have never been given exclusive weapons, or at least they should have been nerfed prior
  10. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Mum Player's In-Game (RP) name: hwuashfas4 and cringe normie. Player's Steam ID: hwuashfas4 STEAM_0:0:104926949 cringe normie STEAM_0:0:7954581 Describe how the player broke the rules: Both said the n word in chat, but hwuashfas4 took it a step further by either threatening to, or actually DOXing players. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: He changed his name from absjfb to hwuashwhatever:
  11. Let everyone buy vehicle repair parts, and give car mechanic more of a use. A wrench is already given to everyone when they press E on the part. Car mechanic is utterly useless in his current state, especially with the repairman NPC. Or, make car mechanic a merchant and let us pocket repair parts? More healing items than vapes and alcohol Especially, a way for cops to heal themselves better. Maybe an entity in the PD like the healing thing from HL2? Paramedics and combat medic exist, but self-healing is already a mechanic and should be improved upon Add a clock to the GUI or something Convenience, to help with cooldowns and NLR timing Add a notification that appears when the PD armory is ready to be raided again
  12. Please. As a cop I have arrested so many people who shouldn't have been arrested because I didn't notice that the mayor left or changed his jobs. Other cops have arrested me for it as well. It's impossible to notice unless you are constantly paying attention to the jobs list and the law board.
  13. then thats an issue with the economy, not the weapons all weapons should be available for everyone or else it is p2w. regardless you still spawn with these weapons so you do not have to buy the shipments. i consider this a fair edge on the people who have to buy them via shipments.
  14. still think the "ThE cCs PaId FoR It A WhIlE BaCk" thing is a dumb take but ok
  15. Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Mum Player's In-Game (RP) name: saintofhouston, saintofuruguay Player's Steam ID: saintofhouston STEAM_0:0:155945925 and saintofuruguay STEAM_0:0:8234676 Describe how the player broke the rules: Extreme transphobia, using transphobic slurs in chat directed at me, even after I asked for them to stop several times. Also saintofurugay ended the night with a homophobic slur. Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
  16. nah you're all good. this should at least be experience for the whole staff team that got confused on the lockdown
  17. that's alright, i wish you answered me in-game and told me that, then i wouldn't have made this. really didnt hit me the right way that i was ignored
  18. Your In-Game (RP) Name: Morgz Mum Which staff member are you reporting: Dead Body/Dead Body Uwu Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Randomly ended a lockdown citing that it was "longer than 10 minutes" when it hadn't even been *5* minutes. Upon bringing this up and asking him if he could bring the lockdown back because he was wrong, he simply ignored me and didn't message about it any further. These few minutes were full of multiple assassination attempts so the lockdown wasn't without reason either. Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Unfortunately my shadowplay fucked up, but I'm hoping the fact that these are still near each other in console is enough to prove that this definitely was *not* 10 minutes. I don't necessarily need any action taken against this. I just want them to be accountable for their actions and not use moderator commands without a good/valid basis to do so.
  19. i hope you are joking, this is such a ridiculous mentality to have on weapons being OP
  20. when like 8 different people were trying to crash the server. also pretty much anytime theres a mass rdm spree, and when you go and report it, people call you a "snitch" even if you're being rdm'd and dont want to be involved.
  21. the server already lags on its own every 10 seconds, this would be an awful addition due to that as there is even more position and angle data that needs to be sent back and forth. you say it wont cause lag but i can assure you that it would with 50 players on, maybe not in a server with only 2 people. this would also open up a whole new can of worms to exploits and glitches as VR is extremely glitchy and collisions arent exact. by that i dont mean hitbox, i mean that a player can literally just lean his head and other body parts into a wall. i dont think that this mod has advanced collision that would prevent that, and if it does, that's even more of a blow to performance as calculating collisions like that with such accuracy is extremely resource intensive. on top of that it would just look weird.
  22. lance

    Mass report

    Hooold up. I'm in this report (one of the screenshots) but I literally did nothing, nor am I staff. All I did was join the discord and send an unoffensive meme video of a dude screaming while lifting weights. I was then promptly banned afterwards. No other messages from me were sent. You guys clearly didn't even watch the video because it was deleted before the video's duration had run out. I was not part of any raid. I joined after reading your staff report and seeing the Discord link in your Twitch. I don't even think things that happen off the server's community are a bannable offense anyways. Perhaps you should include more proof than the users who join and leave your discord? I don't want my reputation ruined from lies. Since I'm now involved in this report in a way, I'll add that from what I watched on the stream, you were being rather toxic to people who did nothing to you (calling people pussies and shit) and breaking rules as well (propblocking and NLR repeatedly happened, thats a definite), along with your partner who was also breaking rules. Also, some of the people you reported aren't even staff. I'm not saying that any of this deducts from what actual staff really did, as there are some clear violations here, but clearly both sides are in the wrong in some way and nobody here is innocent (except, of course, the staff who are innocent).
  23. you are still completely ignoring that these weapons are op. if you can find ways to skirt around them, cool, but they're still op
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