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Everything posted by lance
Easy. Type "voice_maxgain 10" in console. Change 10 to whatever you want, higher is louder. Maybe even put it in your autoexec! voice_avggain seems like it might affect it as well. Set this to something not so high though, its default is 0.5. Fuck you for this shitty voice update facepunch.
This, also if the reason behind not wanting to nerf it is that 'ccs were promised it', that's kind of dumb and will only continue to weigh down the server. Regardless, you are also defending pay-to-win, penny.
Yes, I'm complaining. Yes, I'm salty, if you will. But I think this issue should be taken seriously as it's extremely prevalent. I don't feel like I need to write why in-depth on why the CC weapons are OP because everyone has experienced getting absolutely raped by the CC weapons. It's so unfair to verse someone who is using them, I've completely given up on even attempting to arrest someone as a cop if they have it out because I know that regardless of what actions I make, I'm going to lose the fight, based solely off the sheer damage the weapons deal. True, you could add it to the store for everyone to buy, and I know there's rumors that it will be done, but that was a while ago and it hasn't been done. Even so, the weapons are still OP, and adding them into public domain without a nerf will just give even more of the server access to unbalanced weapons. And the double barrel is just a fucking joke. It feels like all of the weapons the gun dealer can sell have been balanced while the CC weapons have been untouched completely. Of course I don't have proof of that but I've used M9K in other servers and the CC guns seem to deal the same amount of damage as if they're untouched. Like you can laugh about the situation and joke about it, that's completely fine. It's not that serious a matter. But at the root of the joke is an actual problem that I feel like is going ignored.
Your In-Game (RP) name: bella Player's In-Game (RP) name: dankboi Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96658039 Describe how the player broke the rules: I was arresting people who were murdering others, in a 'fist fight arena'. I don't care if the arena is there for that purpose, it's illegal and additionally some were damaging me even if I wasn't inside of the arena. Dankboi then makes a votekick on me for 'ruining the fist fight arena', to where I am then successfully kicked off the server. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: (please excuse my friends in the background) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PMNP2a3M1A
i wish weed's effects ended when you died, not sure why it doesnt
-1, ever played pubg and other competitive games in third person? Not fair at all.
+1, it's free on the workshop, easy addition.
-1, this is unnecessary, mayor isn't that important of a role for this to need to be a thing. the vote spam is pretty rare as well and the most votes i've seen at once are like 4, and easily closable. also these election systems cost money as well.
He's been perma'd already, please move this to handled.
Your In-Game (RP) name: bella Player's In-Game (RP) name: Agent Vibe Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:111568497 Describe how the player broke the rules: Placing an IP logger in chat. He purposefully did this with malicious intent because that website's main purpose is to log IP's (its literally an alias of iplogger.org) , and made it redirect to a website to download CSS textures from. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: And here's proof that it's literally just an alias for an IP logger and nothing else: https://i.imgur.com/qoANJOG.png I censored it so people don't go to the link but if an admin needs the full link I have it handy.
Your In-Game (RP) name: bella Player's In-Game (RP) name: mohammed 1 and mohammed 2 Player's Steam ID: mohammed 1 STEAM_0:1:222692938 mohammed 2 STEAM_0:1:151144344 Describe how the player broke the rules: both of them broke NLR as cops when i was trying to raid someone. also im not sure if it was both of their ideas, but mohammed 2 ordered a false search warrant as shown in the video (base check) Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
it works btw, mayor got demoted and the laws instantly changed. the only thing i wanna suggest is to have a notification that the laws got reset, because i didnt notice it until i looked at the board
This belongs in appeals or staff reports, not suggestions and ideas. You aren't really suggesting anything, just complaining about how you were treated. I don't see anything that staff did wrong. You were clearly asking for trouble, and you worded this all professionally as if you want to make a scene (trust me- this is far from a professional and mature way to deal with this). NITRP and minging are indeed up to staff discretion, but if it is clear that you are intentionally being a nuisance, you absolutely deserved that ban, and that reason for the ban. FailRP and staff disrespect are also not "hidden rules". FailRP is simply a label for a degree of rulebreak. For instance it is fail RP to randomly untaze people. And staff disrespect isn't a separate thing, player disrespect isn't allowed in general, it's in the general rules. Staff are players, so, yeah. I have at least hundreds of hours on the server and I don't have problems with stuff being up to staff discretion. If you actually care about the server and its rules you don't get into trouble often. Clearly you failed to do this.
Your In-Game (RP) name: bella (morgz mum usually) Player's In-Game (RP) name: Mr. Compensation, drew peacock Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:206963278 for compensation, STEAM_0:0:88811114 for drew Describe how the player broke the rules: false votekick against a mayor for "shitty laws", and the other is votekick for "body odor" or something Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://i.imgur.com/J41Ca8z.png https://i.imgur.com/v3btQT2.png also im not sure if this will happen for you too but both links seem to go to the same URL? copy-pasting them rather than clicking works fine though.
This stuff doesn't really happen enough to warrant a change in spawn protection. Regardless, people who arrest in spawn or run into it to avoid being killed are easily exposed as NITRPers, which is good because it can get them banned easier since they clearly don't care for the server or its rules.
we don't need to. we are not here to serve you. you are free to search up the discord tos/"community guidelines" on your own. now please stop blowing up my emails with notifications
i can design it i made a mockup
Please remove weed sniffer from cops, or remove the sounds they make. All cops do is spam with it. They don't actually use it. Obviously the sound-mute is preferable because it still kind of has a use but someone having weed on them is already pretty rare and a cop actually using the weed sniffer properly is even more rare.
who knew that breaking discord tos is bannable
It is also materialized to be fair though, you're just using the white material
Make hobo tip jars invincible. I'm so tired of minges coming and destroying my tip jars and not being able to do anything to retaliate against it. Props are invincible anyways. Why not tip jars? There would obviously need to be a /removetipjar command or something too. Why not make ALL tip jars invincible? With jobs other than hobo, they don't really rely on tip jars for their income like hobos do. Also I feel like people with bases might abuse them. Hobos can't base or attack anyone so I think it'd make sense to only let their tip jars be invincible. To be fair props can be abused too though, regardless of job. If hobo exploits it you can make a ticket.
Please. Every time I'm based in the garage base next to the cinema I get this issue in specific areas in the building and it forces me to put my weapons and tools away. I don't even think it works in the cinema itself. It's just broken. Could have some really annoying problems too, like if you're trying to kill a raider and it forces you to dequip weapons.
A button on the other side is not any better because to enter the megabase you still need to lockpick the ramp. The only good thing this does for raiders is lets them out of the base easily, not entering. The ramp had fences on both sides too so you cannot go around either. This is a fading door like all fading doors because you need to lockpick it to get through and it is walk-throughable. Kil and others may not have had problems raiding but your megabase does violate rules, Kil himself agreed. I'm not sure if the megabase was approved as-is and Smoke didn't see it or if you added it after it was approved.