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Staff Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name:Bob The Pickle

Which staff member are you reporting: JohnnyToast

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I was playing around spawn, when I heard very loud micspamming coming from this "Hobo singing booth" when I looked over it was johnny sitting there micspamming. I made a ticket asking him to stop and his excuse was "I was singing and they were enjoying it". I said then if youre going to do that atleast go off-duty, he proceeded too say "whatever bud, I can do what I want. but thanks for the free ticket" and flew away. 5 mins later I saw him doing the same exact thing with Hernandez Mafia in the call too observe through a stream.  

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: None as my Geforce overlay wasnt working but have Hernandez Mafia as a witness

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