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Odd's application

Thats Odd

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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name?

That's Odd

a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile.


a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234)

Thats Odd#5240

a4) What timezone are you located in?


a5) How many in-game warns do you have?

I'm not too sure, but I believe it is at least above 15 right now

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?

I've been banned many times, a good amount being for the warning threshold. Others being things like LTAP, RDA in a sit, etc.

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?

I was staff on here a long time ago.

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.

b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP?

I've asked a lot of people on the server, mods and regular players if I should apply. Everyone I've asked so far has said that I should, so here I am.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?

I have the exact opposite of a normal sleep schedule, so I'm awake at times where there are a lot of minges that can't be dealt with, as the mods are asleep.

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:


c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.
RDM, being either Random Deathmatch or Random Murder, is when a player kills another player without a valid in-game reason. A couple of examples are:

  • Player 1 insults Player 2. Player 2 kills Player 1 for insulting him. 
  • Player 1 goes back to Player 2 and kills him for RDMing him before (Revenge RDM).
  • A player adverts Terror and kills a bunch of other players (Terror is not a valid advert).
  • A player adverts Counter to a raid, mug, kidnap, etc and doesn't have proper RP relation, i.e a Thief countering another Thief's mug on a Citizen.
  • A player kills another player for being in their base without a (valid) KOS sign.

RDA, short for Random Arrest, is when a player arrests another player without a valid in-game reason. It is similar to RDM in the possiblity of scenarios. Examples are:

  • Player 1 insults Player 2. Player 2 arrests Player 1 for insulting him. 
  • Player is RDMed by Player 2. Player 1 goes back to Player 2 and arrests him (Revenge RDA).
  • There is no mayor, and the laws are cleared except for the first four. A civil protector spots players moving about with guns out, and arrests them for it.
  • A player points a gun at a civil protector, and said civil protector gives that player a "lawful order" to put the gun away and move away from them. The player
    does not comply, and the civil protector arrests the player.
  • A civil protector arrests a player for "loitering" in the police department lobby.

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated.

NLR, short for New Life Rule, states that when a player dies, they may not "remember" any aspect of their former life, and must RP as such. NLR also states 
that a player may not return to the area in which they died for 120 seconds. Examples of violating NLR are:

  • A player is raided by a Thief. The player is killed by the Thief, then returns to the area of the raid and kills the Thief.
  • A civil protector is killed during a pd raid, and returns under the assumption that civil protectors are allowed to do so.
  • A player takes enough fall damage to die, then returns to said area.

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence.

Metagame, is when a player uses information outside of their RP knowledge. This applies to many things, such as:

  • A player uses the kill feed to see that their party member was killed, and then kills the person that killed said party member.
  • A civil protector arrests a Hitman for having the "Hit accepted!" text above their head.
  • A civil protector raids a players base for having meth, while the CP had not actually saw it, only going off of sound.
  • A civil protector knows that some jobs spawn with weapons. They use this to arrest any player that plays a job that spawns with a weapon.

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react?

I would gather evidence of them abusing, then contact an an Admin or Owner, then kick or ban the staff member abusing if possible (probably can't target them anyway).

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?

I would jailtp the Mass RDMer, then, if necessary, check logs to confirm they were actually Mass RDMing. If so, I would ban them, and continue with my sit.

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.

I would tell them to stop. If they did not stop, I would warn them. If they continued, I would kick them.

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