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Report of - HZ-=Styles=-LR & PandA


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Boomer

Which staff member are you reporting: https://steamcommunity.com/id/wutsupdocc/ & https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966343977/

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:
I was warned by both of them, first for breaking NLR when i was KOS'd by someone not involved in the raid, in which Panda was involved directly in as a pro thief, when i returned to try and hault the entire situation i was killed multiple times by people not involved in the raid in which he did nothing about. Then when i finally had enough and the orignial NLR counter had ended i attacked him while he was leaving with my miner, in which he warned me for.

The other which i cant find his forum name, just the steam id of 76561197966343977. Warned me for prop blocking/push. When no such was done, i spawned a prop to removed a car from a building and then instantly noticed it was ghosted so i knew that wouldn't work. Fact is there was over 15 people ramming cars and failing RP and breaking NLR trying to get into Pandas base, which he had a full party of people with him so the entire server was enraged that he allowed so much fail RP just so his group could reign dominant on the server. And yes i was there saying stupid s**t of course because i was annoyed at this actions and just couldn't understand why he was being such a ego heavy prick. So i figure the other admin warned me to get me away, in other word abusing his power to stop me from complaining about a staff abusing they're power.

They're true unjust behavior was warning me twice which had me kicked from the server, and i lost well over 500k in base items and weapons. and my friend now refuses to play on this server as do most because of the staff team.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: ^

Further more i LOVE this server. Ive been playing on it for years and im sure my steam ID could some how show that, But lately it seems like the staff care less and less and they just dont want to be here anymore. I really hope Xeno gets back in line because this is one of the last good servers in DarkRP..

Edited by Boomer
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Im not going to speak on what happened with Panda due to me not been involved with that.


As far as the reason I warned you was because you and other players were spawning props and pushing them into a base/blocking it, now like I told you there was no reason you should of been spawning props even if it was just one.  You told me you didn't feel it was fair however you were not the only one that was warned that I saw doing it.  The warn was for "Prop Minge" due to the fact you I felt you were trying to be annoying and cause a problem like the other people doing it.  Like I told you if you felt this was unfair I told you to make a post and you did. If you want to talk more about it let me know and i'd gladly pull you to a sit and explain more if you'd like.

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Hey Boomer. You were killed by Liz (meep), who adverted raid/assist. You were killed and came back two times after your initial death. You broke NLR by destroying the bitminer stolen from your base. You also broke FailRP by destroying the bitminer without adverting Steal. You also RDMed me which is relative to your NLR. This party and base you speak of was owned by Meep. I can see what you mean when you say there was alot of people NLRing, and I should have taken action. Then again, I don't always have to be on duty, especially when there are other staff. Also, I don't understand why you are calling me ego heavy. I'm also confused on how I was "abusing my power." I believe you're confusing abusing with enforcing as you were angry that I had warned you for rules you broke. 

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(Oranges) Im not confusing anything, but if you wish to twist things and lie over forums because, (thats what people like you do). Then so be it, i refuse to waste my time and money on a server that has staff that pick and choose when and how they handle a situation (in the sense of, you'll ignore certain problems, as long as they don't effect you). And you'r VERY clearly ego heavy, And ill elaborate on that. You got stressed and annoyed when i correctly called you out on your failure to handle a failrp raid, (lead by you), and dident attempt to converse and fix a possible mistake of yours, You started to use this raspy low level "Stoner" tone because your ego was clearly slapped silly by the fact you got caught in a blunder, to which you decided to hide in your base to avoid any more confrontations. And when you'd switched to staff ONLY FOR A MOMENT, to handle someone speaking sly of you out side of that base. You think your clever or smart or whatever, but you've really shown otherwise.


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Hi Boomer, I would just like to say that I was the one that killed you during the raid (Liz). Also, if you truly have been playing on this server for years then you would know that the staff team can pick and choose what tickets they want and when. Since PandA already had his 50 tickets, he didn't have to go on duty. (Also, maybe you shouldn't break the rules IN FRONT OF A MODERATOR if you don't want to get warned.)

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Hey Boomer, if you truly feel i'm lying, I looked at log evidence, which I can't twist and or lie about, and if you'd like I'll show you that evidence. I don't believe coming after my voice and "massive ego" is evidence for your case.The raid was not FailRP.  And you have no evidence of my "heavy ego", or of my party "FailRPing" as none of this is true. 

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Hi Boomer, thank you for creating a staff report! Jeremy and I have closely reviewed this and have decided upon this verdict:

  • You broke NLR and were warned for it.
  • Staff members, including PandA, are not required to take tickets.
  • Styles had the right to warn you for your actions. If this happens again, please contact a moderator to assist you.
  • Going to name-calling doesn't strengthen your argument (see below).

We appreciate you moderating our moderators. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on the forums or DM me @ Saddy#4781. Have a good day!



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