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Staff not helping

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Your In-Game (RP) Name:DadIo

Which staff member are you reporting:Issun,Rice,Lucina,hernandez

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:Ive created multiple tickets over multiple situations i was in, and i have not received any help whatsoever. ive been kidnapped without advert,within time limit, kidnapped then adverted after, Shot at randomly, RDA'd and such, and even asked in OOC to get some help, i have never seen this happen and the staff is usually on top of it, i understand if they are RP'ing but some of them arent.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:I am recording it as i type this, I can send the footage VIA discord @ BioMercenaryG#4180

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Hey Dadlo, thank you for creating a staff report! Unfortunately, staff are not required to take tickets. In this case, all four are currently in a staff meeting, and therefore should not be taking tickets at this time.


I apologize for your inconvenience on the server, and I will try to dispatch someone to the server as soon as we're done.


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