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MangoTurt's Moderator Application ​​​​​​​😀


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Pro's: Very Nice, Fun to Play With

Con's: 2 warns, 6 bans, c1: you did not define RDA, c3: you did not give examples of Metagaming, d1: (this is minor since you got it right) you tell a higher up not submitting it to the foums, d2: First you jail them, Finish your sit THEN ban them.

Conclusion: You have alot of potential but you have alot of errors in your application. I Like you alot but if you want to be a moderator you have to study up.


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Good interactions in game




Lots of previous bans

2 warns in past week

Pocket mentioned application



Conclusion: Overall,I think you should keep the warns down and put more detail into your application and you should be good.


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