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Cam L Toe and GetShrektKid

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     Zero mods on today and we have these two. Shrekt and Cam have both moved the NPCs shown by the screenshot (already a ban). Cam also has a bot which changes his name when he dies, he also has a chat spammer bot shown in the images. Cam L has also threatened me with my IP address (all shown in screenshots). CamL has aimbotted the whole server which can be shown by anyone who was there at the time including I and Bendy. Shrekt Mass RDMed and moved the car dealer NPC by the looks of it. They've committed many other offences that don't need to be named. 

Cam L: 





Here's the steam ids


name change.png

caml toe ip.png

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I have a recording of blatant aimbot, the guy threatening to dox us and mass rdm, nlr and rda. I also have footage of them propblocking pd. I will render and release the footage soon. We had a look at his steam id and he has a perm ban on record as well. In the mean time, Be7ial can vouch for the rdm, nlr and moving the npc. 

The video is 20 mins long so I will edit it down and release the unedited if you want to verify stuff


Edited by Ocean Man
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