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Unarrest batons for the mayor

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Whenever RPing as a mayor, all the bail is supposed to go through the mayor, to have the mayor not have an unarrest baton just feels like its an unnecessary hindrance.

Just picture this.

Someone gets arrested, he pays bail, so now i have to open the doors to the cell, the cell room, and the 2nd door of pd to let the prisoner out, leaving the pd susceptible to an easy raid when the 2nd door opens.

I cant tell you how many times ive tried to let someone out of pd to be unarrested, only to have a raider advert pd raid as soon as i open the door. This whole scenario could be avoided by just giving the mayor an unarrest baton. it would allow people to be let out of jail quicker, and not leave the pd door literally wide open to raiders.


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On 10/26/2019 at 2:12 AM, Zyngas said:

When a person is released from prison, it's typically done by a correctional officer, not a politician who walks and and turns the key to the jail cell. With this being said, if you need someone unarrested and you're the mayor, consider talking to the police chief and having him appoint an officer to a bailiff position. 


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There are times where police officers are busy, or straight up refuse to un-arrest them, and its not fair to the person arrested or the mayor to have to wait for a police officer to show up and unarrest them. By giving the mayor an unarrest baton (not a tazer just the baton) it would allow people to be let out of jail faster and would leave the pd less susceptible to an easy raid by someone camping in pd lobby waiting for the mayor to open the door to let someone out of jail.

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