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Report on Cheech (Various Offences)

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Your In-Game (RP) name: Large Smoke, BendyBenNotBent

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Cheech

Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) STEAM_0:0:87212934

Describe how the player broke the rules: We go to raid Cheech (god farther based with thief) so Large Smoke and I advert raid. Large Smoke goes to place a TNT on one of his fences, he then fading door abuses to kill Large Smoke through a fading window made up of 6 props. I see the base is a failbase so I advert over, I advert over after not shooting or picking anything in his base, nor did I go past his KOS line, which means he had no right to kill me as I walked away from his base. I walk back to where we made the bombs to see him trying to blow them all up, which is also fail rp because he was taking and using our bombs without adverting steal. He did this purely to minge us. Upon seeing him blowing up all of our bombs, I killed him as he was taking our property in a way that was completely unrelated to our previous raid. We tried to gather the bombs that were left but he had blew them all up. He then came straight back and killed Large Smoke, a random guard, and me (putting his rdm count to 5). The footage shows the rest, I don't think I need to explain it any further as it shows everything. Sorry for the long message but I hope it makes your job a little easier and hopefully it clears up the video.



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