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DarkkExtrnal's report

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Your In-Game (RP) Name: DarkkExtrnal

Which staff member are you reporting: Mike Wheeler

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: RDM'ing I believe I just see his name in the killfeed all the time, Flying through walls and just itching to find someone to get on top of

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: He pulled a member from my party and arrested me inside of my base which I have no idea if its allowed or not but he arrested me twice within the time I got out of jail each time

its really getting out of hand that this kid just picks on people and warns them without listenting to said victim I was reported for RDM after our Mega base went "Void" which I hadn't know at the time because I was trying to protect our base and apparently RMD'd for no reason at all the victim asked for the warning to be verbal but he just said it's already done before asking the victim anything as to what he wanted but all night hes been going around killing,arresting, and even warning he is just picking fights with people

The last thing I MUST add is that it is a requirement to have a working microphone but yet he never uses it and is always typing

Edited by DarkkExtrnal
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Hi, Thank you for reporting

In the 1st video u have illegal weapons on you without a license which I weapon checked you outside of your base then you ran in your base (Please include full video)

In the 2nd video The megabase was illegal by having 3 fading windows at the entrance I talked to (Yanpez) about it

You were warned for RDM because there was no megabase when the victim was killed therefore the kos sign was void (The Megabase was void because the megabase approved role player was kicked

Just because you see my name in the killfeed doesnt mean I am (rdming) if you do think I was rdming I would like video proof

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Thank you for the reply

I weapon checked you outside your base which you ran in your base as I was trying to taze you I can carry out my duty

I flew through your base cause I was told it was illegal from the back and the front you had 3 fading doors and 3 fading windows in the beginning you had 2 fading doors in the first entrance and 1 in the back entrance and you had 3 fading windows at the front entrance I was following a sit (Was confirmed by Yanpez and changed)

I pulled him after the raid was over that is why (Yanpez) switched to a hitman after he placed the ticket and I came to him then I pulled cly and warned him for building during a raid 

Edited by Mike Wheeler
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Thanks for the report.

RDM'ing I believe I just see his name in the killfeed all the time

-- Just seeing someone in the killfeed does not mean they are rdming. If you have evidence of this, that would be greatly appreciated.

Flying through walls and just itching to find someone to get on top of.

-- I assume you're talking about the instance in which he was in your base investigating a ticket regarding the fading windows incident.

He pulled a member from my party and arrested me inside of my base which I have no idea if its allowed or not but he arrested me twice within the time I got out of jail each time

-- Yes, you can be arrested for breaking crimes, if you are caught then run into your base he has every right to arrest you in that case. I am confused by what you mean by "He pulled a member from my party" What do you mean by that?

its really getting out of hand that this kid just picks on people and warns them without listenting to said victim I was reported for RDM after our Mega base went "Void" which I hadn't know at the time because I was trying to protect our base and apparently RMD'd for no reason at all the victim asked for the warning to be verbal but he just said it's already done before asking the victim anything as to what he wanted but all night hes been going around killing,arresting, and even warning he is just picking fights with people

-- I agree, if you were warned without knowing your base was invalid,  it probably should have been verbal as staff members should be able to recognize legitimate rulebreakers and people making honest mistakes.

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