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Report on pandA


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Rp name:DogeCoinExe

I am reporting  PandA

He jailed someone for a very unjust amount of time 696959 seconds or over 11000 minutes or over a week

Here is what it said in chat

20:45:35 - [Moderator] PandA jailed DoubleOLink for 696959 seconds.



Edited by MrDoge
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Ok i was wondering if that was a joke cause that is an insane amount of time just for future reference please dont abuse you powers panda yes you had a reason just bring him to a sit and jail him for like 2 minutes not 8 days

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Hi MrDoge, thank you for creating a report! While not expressly harmful as he was shortly released, I have told PandA not to jail people for a meme amount of seconds. Thank you for bringing this to our attention :).


Have a good day!


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