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Sgt. Pepper


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: ultimate gamer01

Which staff member are you reporting: *dont know their ingame name* Sgt. Pepper

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Bans me 2 times for the same reason (NITRP) so i have a 8 day ban

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 


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Hi, Michael

Yesterday, me and another moderator had a conversation and he asked me to ban you because you were allegedly playing inappropriate videos in the movie theater. I banned you for 3 days, but they insisted on doing it for 5 days. He said banning you again wouldn't add up and it would just overwrite the current one. I took his word for it and banned you again, believing this.

I will make sure this discrepancy is cleared up and your ban will only remain for 5 days rather than 8. If you believe that this ban is unjust either way, please message me and I will refer you to the moderator that asked me to ban you.

- Joseph

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