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Your In-Game (RP) Name:Lil Dic

Which staff member are you reporting:Jeck

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:Banned me for slamming a toilet. no warns or nothing. did nothing while someone mass rdm

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

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I hate to have to reply to this considering the lengthy conversation we unfortunately had in my pms already but I guess I'll lay it out one more time for you. I was taking a sit with two people and you come up on the roof across the street from my sit roof. Then you spawn a prop and start slamming it into my sit, I bring you over and jail you but you continue for a few seconds before you realise that you're going to get banned. Your excuse was I was bored and was waiting for my friend and I don't see how it's NITRP. I banned you for NITRP because in the first five minutes of the server you come and try to disrupt me in a sit which to me indicates that you probably werent going to RP anyway. I'm not sure what your point was with me doing nothing while someone was mass RDM'ing because to my best knowledge no one was mass RDM'ing because I or another member of staff would of seen it in the kill feed at the time. When I refuse to unban you (which I can't because I'm only a mod) you get aggressive with me in my DM's being rude and then leaving this message.


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