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Moderator uses Tp to teleport friend while not on duty


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Your In-Game (RP) Name:


Which staff member are you reporting:

I am reporting Dead Body

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

While recording due to someone trolling around our base I spotted a pro thief teleport another one to the industrial district 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

(apologize for the quality, but you must save the video before opening it)Dead UwU caught abusing power.osp

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May I ask when this happened, and also request that you upload the video files to YouTube or turn them into an mp4 format? I do not recall this at all and haven't even been in industrial in the last day I have witnesses that I've been with all day.

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Then perhaps you could ask some of the mods that saw me in my megabase? I seem to recall Cyph3r needing my opinion at some point and I know that Gibby saw me there. Regardless, I would prefer you upload the videos to YouTube or at least provide a viable video format.

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What you saw were two pro thieves, there is absolutely no proof that it was me, not to mention nothing showed up in chat. What you’re most likely seeing is a feature afforded to donators called tp request. Frankly I feel like you’ve jumped to quite an assumption without ever showing that you even saw my name connected to that avatar.

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Yea so Yang was not at fault here. There is a tp request features which many people dont even know is a thing but is. Basically it allows you to tp to other players assuming they hit you with the classic /tpaccept. Also if yang were to tp off duty it would show in chat that he was the one doing it, because it was a ULX command. Im going close this out, and i understand were you can get this confused from.

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