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Why aren't we selling custom classes?

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If you're reading this thread, you've probably been sent here by someone on the staff team, or someone in the discord.
Here I will try to explain the question that we are asked multiple times a day: "Why don't we sell custom classes?"

First, with every class there has to be a model. The bad part about the model is, the workshop doesn't make it obvious how large the model actually is, nor would the average player care to look at the size... they just want their class to have the coolest model. So originally we we're adding classes and not paying any attention to the file size.
So adding more classes with all the current classes in there would just be making things worse.

Second, you all really like custom classes. Which makes it even more difficult to have a system where people can have a class they can add weapons/change the name/model, and add players to it. Cause at the time we didn't have a nice system for managing the custom classes players/weapons/model, so it all went through Me and Zyngas on discord. Which over time turned out to be a giant mistake, cause it turned into people messaging us pretty much daily wanting to change aspects of their class. Which for adding players we were totally okay with, but the ones who were trying to change their model every week after they get bored of their current one.

In Conclusion,
Its possible that someday we bring them back, but there is absolutely no guarantee that it will ever happen. 

Adding a player model for every custom class was beginning to cause long load times, and we don't want to add to the daily messages we already receive about custom classes on discord.

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