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Over banning and Ignoring tickets


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My In-Game was Grunt. Four people were inside of a base (two of which are known admins Nemssi and Lonely the Smoke God and the other two friends who I don't think are admins are Boberto and Rapidez) Boberto had nlred and rdmed me right outside of the base where both admins were because I killed him with a hit and then soon after he rdmed me again (keep in mind the other rdm could have been rapidez I don't really remember which one ended up killing me for the second time). I submitted two tickets for both of those occasions and got no response. So, after about 20 mins I got a prop and hit it on the ground to get one of the admins attention saying "I'll stop once you look into my ticket" then got banned by Lonely the Smoke God for one week for prop mingeing. I don't think Nemssi should be a held accountable for this because he wasn't on duty but Lonely the Smoke God was. I got some logs from a different moderator on discord who was very nice about the situation and agreed that he did over ban. 

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Hi Grunt, thank you for creating a staff report. Unfortunately, I will not be taking action against the moderators. As said in the MOTD,


Staff members are not required to take tickets or be on duty at all times, they have the right to roleplay as they see fit

Additionally, you admitted your ban was for a valid reason. If you wish to appeal your ban you can go here.


Have a good day!


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