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Permanent Items and Unbox System

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Hi everyone, for the past week that Ive been playing on this server seriously, I have come around to have quite a lot of money, I am still saving it all up to see if anything big comes around. I dont know if these addons will ever be added but Im just curious if Permanent weapons and an unbox system will come to be... It will most probably give non-donators access to CC weapons or knives but from where I am now, it's not up to me. I think it will be fun as it gives most players a way to use their abundance of $$$ but I would like to see other people's opinions and answers, so, please reply! 😄

Thanks for reading, goodbye!

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  On 6/30/2020 at 5:53 PM, Zyngas said:

Custom class players paid for a custom class not exclusive weapons.

They have custom models, class names, pro lockpick, perma weapons. They don't need their weapons to be exclusive just to them.

We have plans on releasing the whole fleet of weapons to the general public. Given they will still likely be pricy, and a lot of work to acquire.


as for knives they can be cool but really just a meh addon

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