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Change the map?

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Downtown is a classic map for Role-playing, but it is getting quite stale.

- I have a few suggestions with maps that would be a pleasant twist to Xeno.


                         -A preferred Evocity

                         - rp_downtown_kaktusownia

- The map is a big part of a community, and I atleast think its time for a change.

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Xeno is one of the last servers running downtown_v4c_v2, the maps listed are too big in my opinion, if we're already receiving periodic lag on this map then making it bigger with more complex assets would not help with the overall lag situation at all if not make it much worse.  I dont know if people can relate but one of the biggest reasons im still playing on Xeno is the map, if the map were to change then the majority of what i came to the server for is gone, and i feel that other people share the same opinion, and would also eventually stop playing.  What would be cool is an custom version of v4c_v2 with more content added into it (more jobs, more money making methods, new unique base locations etc...)  or upgrades to the overall server stability instead of switching the map.

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Thanks for your opinion!

 The map might be why some people still play xeno, I can also see that you have not been on Rp_downtown_kaktusowia since its is downtown but with unigue locations. Still there is a reason why other servers are switching from downtown_v4c_v2 to more up to date maps, It allows more space for people to base and the overall updated textures. Alot of people don't like change, but it is defiantly needed sometimes.

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Honestly the feel of the map is nostalgic in many ways it gives a oldschool mixed with new DarkRP vibe and that's what I love about the server, It doesn't need to change to be better cause really this is the best thing to oldschool I can get 

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I kinda have to agree on the part that I truly love the fact that it's still this map cause most of what's left of Gmod isn't like in the old days. However I just couldn't help but be annoyed by the fact that when I purchased a couple cars and some rather expensive in the VIP one driving really only lasts 20-30 seconds around the map and for many cars you can't even achieve near 3/4th of full speed.


often times there's around 18-30+ players on at one time and house spacing is limited. Would love to build my own base completely from scratch however there's a pretty low prop limit and it's against the rules unless you're a hobo. Of course you can buy a higher PL but do you really want to? It's a really annoying dilemma cause at one hand I really love the map however I've been running those streets since the day RP was put into the game. Riding the same laps isn't really fun.  And unless there's a group of people on actively par-taking in "rp scenarios" Like a good build shop or area or event going on what else is there really to do but money farm buy cars raid and just chill.


I think a good solution would be to maybe hold a vote on the forums or allow for 3 days or a week of experimental votemap where the majority of the players which could be 90/10 but it could also be 51/49 vote on the map. I think it would allow for a nice fresh kick every once in a while that on the same server the same people but a different environment and I wouldn't believe it for a second if none says they'd agree on that point. It's a simple fact unless you're new and you're just discovering the downtown life.


Either way this way it would allow for both ends of the opinion to cross paths and see how they experience it. Maybe some people from both sides would even regret their decisions. And if it's a server issue. Why not put capacity towards investing into a better server. If something were actually to be done with this. I wouldn't mind donating a said amount of money to aid with it I like the server and it has potential to grow nothing even would have to be permanent.

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