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Frostbitez/GodofRats Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: HurricaneFlorrence

Which staff member are you reporting: GodofRats, Frostbitez

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: These mods were online and were sitting in front of this, (MrMeeseeks can be seen through the TAB and him looking directly at it at spawn) I do not believe this is at all staff behavior to allow this to happen, GodOfRats was in spawn also at the time of this incident. Let alone it is considered building in the street which is not allowed for anyone to do. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

Screenshot (551).png

Screenshot (548).png

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Hey Avax_Retro, at the time of this incident I was doing school work, only tabbing in a few times to respond to Chikne, who happened to ask me a question at the time. I apologize for not noticing it when it was down and dealing with it; if I had seen it, I would have deleted it on the spot and dealt with Xavier about it. There was also another staff member on duty. If you or any other person had made a ticket about it, I am sure it would have been handled quicker.

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Hey Avax_Retro when this event was occurring I was roleplaying as Mr. Meeseeks my custom class and seeing that andy was mod on duty I figured someone would make a ticket and she would handle it. Once I saw it was racist I took it down. This does not excuse me for not taking it down earlier. I'm sorry this issue was not resolved faster and in a better manner.

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Hello Retro! Thank you for creating a staff report.


After reviewing the evidence presented and the staff's member responses, I have decided that I will not be issuing punishments against the staff members. While they did not immediately deal with the issue, which they should have, they did end up deleting it after a ticket was made. In the future, please submit a ticket so staff members can promptly deal with any  issues on the server.


Have a good day!


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