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The report against Blake


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Stinkycrunch

Which staff member are you reporting: Blake

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: so last night around 7:00 PM CST me and my friends were mega basing btw these friends include (thicccriticallover,sabibi,Tronkiller,jacket from hotline mami) ok so when we were mega basing we got raided and sabibi happen to kill like 3 people that were raiding then sabibi got jailed and we were asking the admin at the time why he was caged and he said that sabibi mass RDM and we were trying to tell him what happend and he kept saying no no no then ban sabibi for two weeks.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: N/A

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Hi Stinkycrunch,

Three people and I were standing outside of the megabase just standing around without any guns out chatting about what was going on. Sabibi came over to us with a gun out, I believe it was an AN-94, and killed all four people that were standing outside of the megabase. I wouldn't think four people standing outside of a megabase empty handed would be raiding as raiding usually happens inside a base and with weapons out.

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5 minutes ago, Blake said:

Hi Stinkycrunch,

Three people and I were standing outside of the megabase just standing around without any guns out chatting about what was going on. Sabibi came over to us with a gun out, I believe it was an AN-94, and killed all four people that were standing outside of the megabase. I wouldn't think four people standing outside of a megabase empty handed would be raiding as raiding usually happens inside a base and with weapons out.

He said that the people he killed were going in and out of the raid zone so he killed them

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