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My report on Josephky

demoknight tf2

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In-Game (RP) Name: Peakdragon199

Which staff member are you reporting: Josephky

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Favoritism he banned somebody for one week for not even massrdm just a tiny bit of rdm that mostly wasent him he killed one person who was camera spamming and breaking nlr almost every time they died and those two get 3 days for breaking nlr more times then he killed them nobody else got banned so I sense some bullshit

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: I do not but if you look at who was recently banned you should see the “repeated rdm ban” then the camera spam bans

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Hi Devyn

The bans for the two players that were camera spamming have been readjusted for a week for Mass NLR as well.

For your friend CoCo, during this time CoCo had repeatedly killed both of them. CoCo never made a single ticket.


This here is the entirety of the combat interactions that occurred between CoCo and the other two players. 

Again, neither I or any of the mods online recall claiming or seeing a ticket made by CoCo except for when, during the sit, I had told him he had to make tickets for these types of situations instead of straight up killing them, and in response he made a ticket during the sit.

That's all I have to say. 


- Joseph


Edited by Joseph-KY
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