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my report on derpza


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my steamid: ogkush2005 in gameid: michael scott

member im reporting: derpza

reason:abusing admin powers

what happened: basically i was playing as a cop and i walked up to him and asked for a weapon check he said nothing so i continued to role play it out i followed him asking for the weapon check and he walked away and i followed him and he started warning me and had pulled out a gun so as i started shooting in defence he picked me up froze me jailed me and started getting upset then he falsly warned me for fail rp witch kicked me out of the game  i just want to play in a safe environment where admins dont take advantage like this.

moderator that held the sit: miracal he did great


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Ok so, I was walking in the street and he asked if he could weapon check me so I walked away, and he kept following me asking to weapon check so I started warning him in advert, when I hit the second warn he attempted to tase me, and so I warned him a third time, and he shot me when I warned him a third time. I warned him for Failrp in the sense that there was no law allowing weapon checks, and there was no law about resisting arrest. I warned him for ARDM because he shot me first after I warned him three times in advert. Both of these actions were justified due to what you did.


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I was there and i must say this all situation was really confusing, i handled the sit about it and helped you guys throught going on forums and everything..but has i said multiple time, what he did was alright, we have multiple tools/command that we have every right to use such as jail/kick/ban/gag/mute it is our job to use them and we all have different way to staff and its fine like that, he jailed you to stop you from the ARDM, if someone warn you 3 time, you cannot shoot/attack them unless they attack/shoot at you first, wich he did not and you admitted that you did started the fight first (also logs did show the same thing( as far as i know you got warned multiple time, wich got you kick, with the warn system that kick you after 3 warns, he did not kick you by hand, wich you did conplain that it was "admin abuse" cobsole is out of our control, in that case you should re-join and open MOTD by typing !motd in chat, i tried my best to make this end happy on both side, but sometime thing are out of our control and the only thing i could do is send you to the forums, the problem is, there is no evidence of your claiming, also i do beleive what derpza did was alright, i would have done the same to take care of the situation, the jail was alright, that was to stop you, anyway have a great night

Thank you for your time reading

Sorry gibby😂

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Ok take my side or the admins side I wouldn’t have gone through all this work if I didn’t think what he did was truly wrong in this case I say update your motd about that warn rule because it makes no sense I’m not only doing this for my self but for the other people of the server because this admin has made you lose a player today and I bet he’ll make you lose much much more I went through all this work for you guys if anything taking your own sit and not letting me explain is a terrible thing to do to anyone this is almost like real life government truly unjust you have lost a player today have a good day and or night. 

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Alright I'll be handling this since I'm the new admin for the team. So far from what I've read and talked to derpza about and from reading the report I can tell that you shot him on the third warn before he even shot you which is not allowed as the person who's initiating the warnings has to shoot before you can attempt to shoot back at them I will not be removing the warn since derpza was in the right for the entirety of the situation. if you have any questions feel free to DM me on discord !Kil!#6536

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