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Ben Shapiro Report

Anti-Mingers Elite

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Your In-Game (RP) name: Anti-Mingers Elite

Player's In-Game (RP) name:  Ben Shapiro

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5802878

Describe how the player broke the rules: Propblocking spawn and PD for a while, RDA and basing as SWAT

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://youtu.be/CFAFLPxxb5Q - https://youtu.be/S9X1lkaKJck - https://youtu.be/JBre7BOv0-I


Peace out


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Hi Anti-Mingers Elite, thanks for the report!

After I review the video The user will be issued a ban for Prop blocking spawn/PD and RDA

For future reports you are able to do in console ulx copyid (username) or Left click their name in the chat box.

Have a nice day/night!

Edited by Be1ial
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