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M35 - basing as cop, invalid mug, props on sidewalk, false votekick


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz

Player's In-Game (RP) name: M35

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185151514

Describe how the player broke the rules:

  • Based as a Juggernaut
    • Told him twice he couldn't for him to give me an ignorant response and refuse to do anything
    • Votekicked him for it, votekick succeeded.
  • Mugged me and killed me before the 10 seconds were up even though I didn't move or pull out a gun (video proof below)
  • Falsely votekicked me for 'abuse of votekick system' and 'not understanding rules'

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:

His base as juggernaut (showing that he has props on sidewalk and outside of his base as well):


His ignorant reply to my warnings, also proving he is juggernaut:


More proof he was jugg:


la votekick


la votekick success



His mug. He did not wait 10 seconds and I didn't pull a gun, talk, or move (on my own, at least).

I slowed this down and watched frame-by-frame; you can tell that my movement was caused by the gun's stopping power. I only started moving after he started shooting.

You can also tell by how the screen starts warping with the shake effect as well; normal movement does not produce effects like that.

Also I'm pretty sure you can't kill even if I did move a centimeter unless I was running away (as the MOTD states?)



Edited by Setro
forgot to get steam id, included now
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