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B00mer Staff Report

Monica Lewinsky

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Your In-Game (RP) Name:

Retarted Bear

Which staff member are you reporting:


Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

I was warned for propclimb as a hobo when I was just building and made a ladder for a second floor, he has been putting players into a black box and jailing them for no reason, hes been gagging people for little to no reason.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

You can find a listed warn on my account.





Edited by Monica Lewinsky
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Hello there bear. I understand the frustration that I may have caused but you must understand one thing. It is very hard to try and manage a server with close to 40 people one  at a time with limited power. I also understand the mistakes I have made. But you where also prop climbing to try and get into the sit. I also to remember you trying to make me remove the warn witch I don't have the power to do so.  Also I was trying to do another sit with player Tyler the goat, Who kidnaped a hobo, during this time someone was mic spamming. Due to the fact of the current situation I accidently gagged the wrong person. After the sit with Tyler I went to the player who was mic spamming and explained what he was doing wrong. After that I ungagged him and gave him a verbal warning saying " Please don't mic spam and more, If I hear another report. you will be gagged for again for a time period. And I saw you have a picture of my sit box. I don't think that is really a problem but from what I have heard from my Smods it is ok to have. If you have any question please feel free to DM me on discord | Boomer#8261

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There has been many times where a player was dragged away by you and put in a jail while you were in a sit, his job was a batman and he had full power to grapple to the rooftops and sit up there, we did not disrupt any sits or disrupt any rp but I don't think putting players in a big box and jailing them for fun is the right thing you should be doing as a T-Mod and I think you should refrain from it. On the other hand I was a hobo and I have the right to build on the sidewalk as long as its not over the road, therefore I can only build up from that location I was building which happened to be under the sit area you were in, never did I build up into the sit area, I was dragged up by the batman's grapple gun which I had no control over. I only asked for the warn to be removed since i felt it was unnecessary since I couldn't really control that batman's grapple gun since he brought me up.

Edited by Monica Lewinsky
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Hello Monica, thank you for creating a staff report. 


Boomer shouldn't have been placing people into the box and has been alerted, although he has already resigned. As for your warn, I'll remove it under the assumption that you were dragged by the Batman's grapple gun.


Have a good day!


Edited by Saddy
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