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Baqqo RDM Report


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Linus Tech Tips Tourvalds

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Baqqo

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:111509518

Describe how the player broke the rules: He rdmed me while i was just standing around and playing with my physgun after no warning

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:

The video is attached, As you can see I did not physgun him at all or his grapple hook. In the sit with Sevs he claimed I shot him and actually grappled him several times. Also the glitch was me checking my camera. 

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Thanks for the report!

Based on the fact that you did attempt to physgun his grapple, it also suggests that it is a possibility that you have done this earlier in the session based on how he killed you for it. I do not feel that this is warn worthy, but I will pull Baqqo aside and speak with him about this matter!

Have a great evening!


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