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Inulate Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: GamingPatriot14

Which staff member are you reporting: : Inulate

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I was banned by inulate for a week for MRDM with out a sit. I then Filed an appeal which was approved and I was unbanned. But before I was even allowed back on the server I was banned again by Inulate for no reason. I have submitted my second appeal which is awaiting approval again. Is there anyway I can get some assistance with this issue. I Can explain further In a call if needed.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

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Hello GamingPatriot14, thank you for creating a staff report!

I apologize that you were banned without a sit. I have already talked with Inulate about this and I authorized you to be unbanned. However, it seems that Inulate had put in a ban extension on our management portal, which was completed by another moderator. I've sent this information over to our ban appeals manager, who should unban you by the end of the day.

Best wishes,


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