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Inulate Staff Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Garritt

Which staff member are you reporting: Inulate

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Inulate refused to take any reports and threatened anyone who spoke out against his lack of respect for the server. Not to mention that he was the only staff member present at the time of this incident. Inulate also claimed that he can take sits whenever he pleased, refusing to actually solve problems that he wasn't present for, only taking matters into his own hands when he was a first hand witness. This is not an unpopular opinion about Inulate either. He also acted like he was being overworked, asking if he could RP, and take time off from moderation. Maybe more staff should be on? Or maybe even if one staff member is on, he is required to be on duty?

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:





image.png.3e1966ba599bf2bd81bce0b3c2fea0f7.png (Here I am getting muted for criticizing his lack of moderation when he is literally the only staff member online, with unacceptable amounts of RDM.)






 Below here, Inulate is belittling another player who also criticized his moderation ettiquette.




Edited by Rukkus
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Hello Garritt, thank you for creating a staff report!


Inulate should not have gotten to the level of toxicity seen in the screenshots, however, he is not required to always take tickets nor assist players. Furthermore, in regards to your comment about the lack of staff, this occured on Christmas Eve, which is why many of our staff were not present. Inulate has been told not to stoop to this level again, and I apologize for any inconvience this may have caused.




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