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Juarez Wrongfully banned me ..


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I havent played in like 2 years or so and jumped on to your server first.. my first mistake i guess.. the whole time i played i delt w constant raids even after defending from them they would instantly come back.. nothing done.. someone raided me, i killed them, then they came right back and got me. so i came right back and got them and im teleported by juarez where we continue to sit there for 8-10 minutes or so w nothing said .. so i shot the dot playfully and it instant killed him.. i do apologize but then i was banned for 2 weeks for MRDM.. just seems stupid to me .. idk lmk

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Hi Dubhead, thank you for creating a staff report! Unfortunately, your report has been denied.


First, you must follow the format and provide proper evidence: 

Second, you admitted to breaking the rules in your post. If you would like to appeal your ban, you can do so here.


Have a good day!


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