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Suggestion: Discord based moderator ticket system

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A few times ingame, there has been shitlords that constantly propblock spawn, RDM, RDT, etc when moderators aren't online. They seemingly pick times that they see that there isn't a moderator on duty, and choose to ruin the RP experience for everyone else.

When speaking to some staff, I was made aware that tickets made ingame, aren't logged or able to be seen by moderators who aren't ingame at the time. This makes it a bit difficult to report someone who is abusing, as there isn't exactly an appropriate place to do it on the discord, or via a google form.

I think it would be a good idea to have a ticket system on the discord, like Ticket Tool bot, to allow people to upload footage or other info about mingey users who are ruining RP when staff aren't on the server. This would allow staff to keep a record of that user's actions, as well as being able to be made aware of whats happening, without people spamming #general.

-Spicy (TitanSix)

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