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Falsely kicked by another Player


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Your In-Game (RP) name: creg

Player's In-Game (RP) Master In Disguise

Player's Steam ID: 23:16:09 - STEAM_0:0:76561198251315586

Describe how the player broke the rules: Falsely Kicking Me. 

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: In this roleplay situation I was Mayor and I had the usual laws like AOS IF GUNS OUT and Weapon checks legal. Any detriment of a PD Raid it is instant lockdown. A hobo had typed that he was PD Raiding, of course I locked down and that way my officers could protect me. However, instead it was a hobo, but it justified why I went into Lockdown. Next thing I know there is a vote to kick on myself by Master In Disguise. It was approved and the reasons was False Lockdown. That was not the case whatsoever because no matter how serious the PD Raid was I was not going to take it lightly because of my RP situation. I was kicked and this ruined my RP experience for that day. It removed me from my mayor role that way he could get me out of office, and I do not understand how that is fair to me as a player. 

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Hello creg, thanks for reporting.
I have already spoken to the player you have reported regarding the situation. They vote kicked you because you had an unlawful lockdown in effect and no staff were on duty at them time. No action will be taken against them. In the future please ensure that you provide evidence to support your report.

Edited by Rice Cooker
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