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Report against Askio


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: foreigncar

Which staff member are you reporting: Askio

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Me and my friends were messing around at 3am in my own base when I just bought donator and I was testing the new items I got with Pro Thief, he teleports to us and gives me a warning after we told him we are friends testing our items. Me and my friends also were planning to raid the PD at 3am when barely anyone was on and he secretly listening to us tells us that's FailRP since their was one cop there.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Ask "Cybro" and "copsrule" for their side of the story.

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Hello foreign. I've talked to askio and he's sent me some screenshots, In logs I can see you kidnapped copsrule without advert, Even if you were just testing/messing around you still can not break rules and need to advert. Askio informed me how your friend just got off with a verbal for the same action. Also even if the mod was listening you still were choosing to break rules by having 2 cops letting you raid the PD armory. I do not believe askio was in the wrong at all since you've shown minge behavior. I will not be reprimanding askio for the scenario nor removing your warnings. Have a nice night, thank you for the report. 


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