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Askio's Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: gaz

Which staff member are you reporting: Askio

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

This unjust moderator was siding with the rule-breaking (donators btw) cops. After atleast 6-8 cops were seen breaking NLR to raid my base, Askio only talked to two of them, and refused to talk to anymore. My base was seen as "failRP", and this staff member was not hesitant to destroy my doors, and allow the police force (that had broken NLR multiple times) into my base to destroy my printers. Askio was standing outside the base as cops were still camping inside, arguing with the players that were trying to defend the base. He was very agitated, and seemed to be losing his temper. He gagged a player that was trying to talk to him, and was yelling into his microphone at us. I believe that there should've been a complete re-raid, not a breakthrough of my entire base. Another thing that I found crazy was that Rice Cooker (Senior Mod) was a Juggernaut WITHIN the Police raid, and just sat back and allowed the cops around him to break NLR over and over. 

In short, he tore apart my base the NLR-breaking cops into the base to break my printers, instead of allowing me to fix the 'failbase'.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

I don't have any proof, but I have friends who were on at the time that can back up the story.

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Follow up: 

Askio came back and apologized for his actions, and my friends and I accept his apology.

That being said: I feel that most of the staff on this server do not take their role seriously enough. It is easy to take sides, but taking sits needs to be fair, which I have only experienced from a few staff members.

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Hello gaz, I've talked to askio and checked logs. I've come to the conclusion that askio and rice cooker did not break procedure or rules in any way. Askio did not tear apart your base either. Askio apologized for his temper which is all I would've asked for. Askio didn't do anything wrong to deserve a reprimand or even a verification of fairness and tranquility since this is the only time Askio has had a situation like this. I understand your concern and will deal with it but otherwise nothing else can be stated here that wasn't stated on my reply to the other report. If you have any questions feel free to  dm me !Kil!#6321. Have a nice day. 

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